特丽萨·威尔科克斯公爵夫人(Princess Theresa Wilcox)致孙中山函 (1911年11月3日)


Honolulu,Nov.3rd, 1911

Dr.Sun Yet Sen,

Aloha mei Lon I must congratulate you for your success.

I am Princess Theresa Wilcox, widow of the late Delegate Robert Wilcox, the first Delegate to congress who was your dear friend thereby join in a petition with the Honorable of Y.Ahin the sugar planter of the City & County of Honolulu Territory of Hawaii in humbly praying that your honorable self will look with kindly favor on our petition and work in congress of the United States of America and among its members so that the rigors of the Exclusion Act may cease to exist in the future and that the new Republic of China in which you are in a large measure responsible may work with in the old Republic of the United States for the common benefit of mankind in general and this gain the great object for which you in early youth act out to accomplish the bettering of conditions in the Empire of China and the repeal of the“Unjust Exclusion Act” enacted by the United States.

The people of Hawaii are with you.

Just to God dear good friend and he will still help you always.

We want you to come to Honolulu, your friends are anxious to see you.You have friends here.

Let us know by cable.

Address to me or Y.Ahin.

My two children wish to be remembered.

Yours with Aloha mei Lon

Princess Theresa Wilcox











