伊丽莎白·西维尔(Eliz.Schaver)致孙中山函 (1911年11月6日)

伊丽莎白·西维尔(Eliz.Schaver)即Ho A.Mei,中文名何亚梅。


6, 11, 11, Magdeburg, Germany,Heisenkugueg 14.

My dear Dr.,

You, if you ever received these lines, will wonder who I am, that I have the audacity to tackle you.I, an entire stranger and one likely never in hope to meet you personally, unfortunately!Unfortunately, I say, for I feel we are kicked souls.I am nothing to say now I admire & envy you for being called upon to shoulder & fight out China's weakness.I am not a frail woman, were I am man, I would have long since have enlisted under your banner.I have been waiting the waking up of China—my father's country.For years, I have been anticipating these triumphant steps which are now going on, & never ceased to lay forth to my young Chinese officers who serve here a while in the German army, & with whom I have spent many an hour tacking over the present moment, scarcely daring to think it could take place, and here comes the man we were wanting & long needed indeed,Dr.Sun Yat-sen, & we see all China has long ploughed up power & awaiting the signal to burst forth and reap.Let us hope a successful, a heavy & sound harvest.

You will now want naturally to know who is writing these to you, the daughter of a man who lived before China was able to understand him, a man much travelled & learned but unsuccessful in life, after his death, his schemes have been realized,his projects for railroads, iron foundries, arsenals, etc.etc.are now flourishing & those who are reaping now a day, despised him or say his motions theirs.The South China Rail was his idea, the telegraphic line, Hongkong-Canton his work & reaps of other industrial concerns he grounded & earned neither thanks nor honors.He was named Ho Kuan Shan, alias Ho Him Shee, or Ho Amei, & was the founder & director of an insurance Co.in Hongkong & we are related to the Ho's & Wu's.as Hon.Dr.Ho Kai, his brother the Gen.Consul in San Francisco, Wu Ting-Fang, his son C.C.Wu, at this moment in London, you see, all men of education & brains.

I am the offspring of a marriage with an English woman, & have educated in my mother's country, but saw my father and his country often.I finally married in 1883 in Hongkong, & accompanied my husband at Germany—his country.

In 1886, we returned to China, father hoping to at last—after 20 years of work, & open his silver mines round Canton & San Tow Island—it proved a failure.And we returned to Germany, but never ceased to follow & take a mighty great interest in China.(England sorts San Tow into their hands at that sorry period which is called the Boxer Fight & lost all my fortune.)

I am very happy situated here & if I were free to dispose over time and money, would go to China to help my fellow woman.

I hope you'll not stop half ways & recognizing the royal house gives in.It would be such a pity & I fear, never again would there be such a chance offered to make China into a Republic, the only sensible thing nowadays, you have the sympathies of the south & of China entirely on your side, & so many provinces in the hand, don't let Yuan Shi-Kai & the other party win you over.Of course I know you are steadfast, but I pray for God, he led the thousands who have joined your side to keep firm & win the day! I have a grown up son who is to go out, the war over & things quieted, to China, is he once here, you let I'll get a glimpse of my beloved China again.

Do you know—it may interest, you, being a man of reform & education to hear from a “Half-caste” how & what she has had to suffer in her youth—that my whole lender youth was bickered and slighted because my father was—a China man! You, my dear sir, at school, the girls slighted me & taunted me.Grown up & thanks to the political position of my mother's father, associating in society, I was politely received & treated, but there has always a whisper & a shrug of the shoulder, a post of “Ge n'est iais pas”, something you felt, without being able to give it a name.Once an English lad wanted me for his wife, the family was dumbstruck, & sent him off travelling.I never met him again as I went to visit my father & found my good kind life's partner.

I had the honour to dance with the present English King when a mere Prince & a lad of 17 years, why the girls & men looked at me like an animal with 10 heads, the impudence,“an half-caste”! So it was all through my youth, & why? Because China, especially through English eyes, was not looked for as a cultivated civilized state, because the Chinese held hell on risk an astonishing conservation to their tails & long effeminate gowns, which made them ridiculous in the eyes of the Europeans.Because, they closed up their wives, crippled their poor feet, & kept up the polygamie.I could lead daughter of reason in the field, all of which you know, as well as I do.A Chinese was, in the eyes of every English uneducated boy, a coolie—baste! How often have I seen a common sailor kick a respectable Chinese shop keeper, or business trading man, as if it was his right to so do, he, the white man! I hope the Chinese will give the whites all the long years of sufferings back with interest, rather an unchristian rash, but I can't forget my childhood's days.The Germans are sensible & reasonable, they are inquisitive perhaps but not rude, the English are overbearing & ignorant.I am speaking of course, in their respective behavior towards foreigners & Chinese especially.

Another feature—till now, no person of English who would have given his daughter to a Chinese as wife.I will admit the risk was & is still a large one.You never know if the man has not a Chinese wife at home, & in our eyes, a woman is then not legitimately found.Much as I (myself say this)love China & the Chinese, I would not give one of my daughters there.You see the prejudice, fear, call it what you will, is there, even in me, a half Chinese woman.

A pity, as the mixing of the race & blood seems to be an advantage, at least I've been told, might intelligent & handsome men & women have been the result.I am told also that my family 4 girls & 1 son, all healthy well formal & clever, are patterns from a medical point of view.I hope that you will one day receive this, I am sending it to an officer in Berlin, Sing Wang Dok, a Cantonese who some times visits me & knows my brain of thought.God bless you & your work & lead you.As the Republic's head post, you look like a resolute energetic man (to judge from your photo), & I am sure in your hands China would face well, C.C.Wu & his old father—Ting Fang—are able clever men, I guess you know them.I wish I could help you.If your time permits let me know that this bold letter reached you, a card will suffice, but I will go on devouring the daily news & follow your facts and words.

In deep respect & wish all good lucks for your health prosperity.

Yours truly,

Elizabeth Schaver

Ho A.Mei

P.S.Pardon me if here & there I have made a slip.I am so used to writing,asking & thinking in German, living here right on 29 years, English is a luxury for me.

















