容闳(Yung Wing)致谢缵泰(Tse Tsan Tai)函 (1911年11月26日)


114,Regent Street,Hartford Conn.,26th Nov.,1911

My dear Tse Kan Tai,

The political phenomenon that is now taking place in the Empire of China is truly marvelous & unparalleled in history.

Our old China, within its being span of only a few months, has been shakened from centre to circumferences, till nearly all the provinces rose like our war against the Manchu dynasty & government.

I sincerely hope & wish that nothing would happen to war the paternal feeling that is providing throughout China now, if individual ambition of the leaders should bring in to take passion of their minds, it would make chaos, anarchy and bloodshed indescribable and sure to invite foreign interaction, which will surely lead to the partition of the Empire.

Let all the Chinese patriots look out for such a danger, & guard against its existence.

If I had my health, you would find me in China quick enough, not as to be engaged in fighting the enemies far as to make suggestions which might be profitable to the public good & the general welfare.

In the establishment & recognization of a new Republic, leaders of the revolution have no imagine of what a vast amount of work is needed to elaborate a system of politics like that of the United States of America.The Federalist gives you a rough idea.

It would be a good idea for the leaders to own copies of the book.Each copy has a United States Constitution connected with it, or a Constitution might be ordered with connected with a copy of the Federalist.The Federalist & the Constitution might both be translated into Chinese, & sold to the people.

I presume there is a large demand for them, if China is going to be a Republic.

Write after & keep me well posted.

My health is very poor.I hope yours is good.

Yours sincerely,

Yung Wing













容闳 谨呈