康德黎夫妇(James & Mabel Cantlie)致孙中山函 (1911年12月1日)


December 1st, 1911,140 Harley Street

My dear Dr.Sun,

Sir Arthur Wilson has been replaced in the navy by Sir Francis Briageman as 1st lord, so you would need to apply to him for a good man.There are so many excellent navy men that you would have no difficulty.Colnel Mande came to see us last night & had a long talk over affair in China.He was greatly impressed with your personality as everyone is, who comes in contact with you.We see that the fighting is to be stopped for a few days.I do hope Yuan Shih-kai will be true & not got lose the cause by weakness.It is such an important moment in his life & if he does the right thing how China may soon be tranquil, that is to say after you have things in hand.

Again we are praying for your success.

Ever your sincere friends,

James & Mabel Cantlie






