乔治·布里奇(George Bridge)致孙中山函 (1911年12月7日)


Pachuca,7, 12 de 1911

Mr.Sun Yat-sen.

Dear sir,

Acknowledging the nationwide movement that you & your compatriots have began, you and your fellow revolutionists have begun a movement worldwide, you may say that is going to free, your government from the shackle of the Manchu dynasty.That your country is the tending factor in the world movement that is now in progress.

Recognizing the strength of China as a commercial & potential units factor in the worlds progress—I would admire as a friend of your race, much against my own principle & belief that the ultimate salvation of your people, is to carry the fight with the Manchus to a final.

Always respecting the right of such nations as maybe interested in peace, the right of uninterested but interested in this.

Yours very truly,

George Bridge








乔治·布里奇 谨呈