46 Scotland St.,Toronto Can.,Dec.29, 1911
Hon.Dr.Sun Yat Sen,President of China,Nanking,China.
I see by the newspapers this morning that you are now the first president of the Chinese Republic, and please accept my congratulations.
You will establish a new form of government for China, and I suggest to you to adopt that form called “A Natural Progressive Democracy” as advocated by me in my novel entitled “In the New Capital” on pages 133-134 and following.
It is a democratic or republican form of government, but the underlying principle is that progression by ability of the candidate and a reward of title to each higher office.
In other words, a man must be elected first in a district or county before he is eligible to be a candidate for a province and must serve in a province before he is eligible for the united province or nation and when he has served in the national assembly he is then eligible to be elected by the people of the nation for president or king.
By the time he has served in all ranks of government he has gained experience by progression and his ability is then well known.
You see it will be impossible under this form of government for any capitalists or clique of men to force a president on the people on short notice and that every person has a chance to be president if he has the ability.I think you will see the philosophy of good progressive government in this method.
In the municipal or local form of government, I suggest that all form of taxation be placed on the land and taken off buildings and improvements such as exists in western Canada, and your future success is established as well as the Chinese nation.
A great burden or responsibility has now been placed upon you by the people of your nation and my greatest wish is that God, or the Great Master mind of the universe may be with and assist you in your great work which you have to do.
I regret I cannot write you in Chinese language.
Wishing you all success.
I am,
Yours respectfully,
John Galbraith
加拿大多伦多苏格兰街46号, 1911年12月29日
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