比尔(G.E.Beale)致孙中山函 (1911年12月31日)


522 Pine Street,Michigan City, Ind.,Dec.31,1911

Dr.Sun Yat Sen,Pres.,“Republic of China”.

Dear Sir,

On account of the health of my wife, I am forced to make a change from this “Great Sake's Climate” hence I write to ask if you cannot use such a man as I with modern American ideas?

I am 40 years of age, have had 17 years practical railway experience in the general operation, as well as accounting departments and understand the construction and maintenance of way ends thoroughly, hence can be classed as a full fledged railroad man—Also understand coal mining and stone quarrying thoroughly having been dependent of quarries and mines, and last, but not least I had several years experience in all departments of the Pullman Palace Car Co.

My strong suit is re-organizing old and installing new systems for the purpose of operating plants, departments, roads & at the minimum of cost.Have had great experience in handling all classes of help, and am considered an executive.With all of the foregoing experience I have remained with only two (2)men—both of which I refer to.All of my railroad, quarry & coal experience was with Mr.M.J.Carpenter, Pres.Chicago Jerre Haute & Sr.E.Ru.Co.General Central Station, Chicago ILL.USA.The Car Co.was with-Mr.Thos Dunbar, manager of the Pullman Company, Pullman Building, Chicago ILL, USA.Can also refer to E.H.Seneff—General Attorney Chicago & Eastern Illinois R.R.Co.,Mr.Comick Building, Chicago ILL U.S.A.and can furnish bond and further references if required.

All of these gentlemen will tell you that I have never made a fizzle of any thing I ever took hold of and that I am to be trusted.

My average salary for past ten years has never been less than 2400.00 per month.

Our U.S.Minister W.J.Calhoun, can tell you of the gentlemen named above—and maybe he will remember something of me.

I have a strong desire to go to the“Flowery Kingdom” and trust you will consider this matter carefully and make me a proposition, you will find me a valuable man to your staff.

Yours respectfully,


P.S.I Have two boys, one eleven years and one nineteen, would tike to place the elder one.He is familiar with U.S.,military tackles & is about to finish from the Culver Military Academy.












比尔 谨志
