黄来旺呈孙中山建议书 (1911年12月)



(1)If the Chung Wah Republic is formed we should recognize God as our Guide, and in all our Public Schools and Institutions should acknowledge Him as our Supreme Ruler.Also the adoption of the Western Calendar.

(2)In order to keep other powers from taking mean advantage of our present weakness, we should try and induce one European Power at least, to join us into an offensive and defensive Alliance.Although America at present has no desire to join with any nation we should try her first.

(3)Republican ideas and advantages should in future be taught in all schools.Our children must be compelled to attend public free schools.

(4)Ask all our people both at home and abroad to form Navy and Military Leagues.

(5)Freedom of religions and speech be accorded to all classes, both Chinese and Manchus.

(6)Seeing that this Revolutionary Movement was promoted by Chinese abroad our Government should do all it can to protect their interest in all foreign countries.Chinese Christians with ability should be appointed to represent their countrymen in all Christian Countries.The reason is that the Christians in the Eurpean coutries will take more interest and more notice of what such representative says.

(7)The Government should give every inducement to all Chinese abroad who possess Western ideas and educations to return home and help to administrate all affairs in our Country.

(8)Most likely Japan or some other powers will try and take advantage of our present weakness in the same way as Italy does to Turkey, we should at once do all we can to strengthen our Navy and Military position.

(9)In forming Parliamentary Government it might be advisable to study the way the Australian Commonwealth governs her different states, as well as America governs hers.

(10)Seeing that most of our people at present cannot read or write, each Province should appoint a board, consisting of a number of able men to preach the principles of Republicanism, and advise the people as to how they can best serve their country, by giving and helping towards making our nation a great power for good.











