毛里斯·莱霍特(Maurice Lehot)致孙中山函 (1912年1月1日)


Perpignan (France),1st January, 1912

Harrah for the first President of the Chinese Republic and glorious new years, from a French progenorProgenor为德语,意为“后裔”。 at Hawaii, who was friendly minded to the poor persecuted Koming and visited an evening with Echang I Echou the Bible house in Gambelta Street, where Doctor Sun Yat Sen, an outlaw, enjoyed a pitoyablePitoyable为法语,意为“仁慈的”“可怜的”。 hospitality, but excited generous feelings of respect and admiration in the hearts of three or four french young men.

Maurice Lehot

(批注:no address, no answer)




