关于孙中山及辛亥革命的剪报 (1912年1月1日前后)



Big Manifestation for Thursday

The Chinese colony in Panama has from the outbreak of the revolution in China been ardent sympathizers with the movement.They have manifested the keenest interest in the progress of the struggle and have expressed their adhesion to the revolutionary cause in the more substantial and convincing manner of transmitting funds raised on the Isthmus in behalf of the revolution to the leaders of the movement.

Immediately on the publication of cable despatches announcing the formation of a republic with Dr.Sun Yat Sen as provisional President the following cable was sent to the leader of the movement:

“President Sun Yat Sen, Wuchang:The Chinese colony, admiring the enthusiastic patriotism of the revolution, send you their warm greetings and hope the wishes of the Chinese Republic for stability and progress may be realized.”

The reply received from Dr.Sun read as follows:

“Chinese colony, Panama:Thank you heartily, President Sun Yat Sen.”

The members of the colony have decided to hold a grand patriotic manifestation throughout the Isthmus on Thursday, the 18th instant, and messages arranging for a simultaneous observance of the occasion have been exchanged with Chinese at Colon, the Canal Zone and points in the interior.

The manifestation will take the form of a mass meeting of Chinese at the club house on Thirteenth street, which will he suitably decorated for the occasion, the flag of all nations to be hoisted.The principal feature of the decoration will be the illumination at night.Incandescent lights will be arranged on the pattern of the new republican flag of China, with the legend underneath, in letters of light,“Viva El Dr.Sun Yat Sen.” The interior of the building will be graced with portraits of Dr.Sun Yat Sen, President; Li Yuen Hung, commander of the revolutionary forces, and Wong Hing, Premier of the republican cabinet.The meeting will be called at 1 o'clock in the day and will be enlivened with music and firing of squibs and a display of fireworks at night.

Needless to say all business establishments kept by Chinese will be closed for the day and the resident of the sons of the new republic will be appropriately decorated.











