约翰·叔舍尼(John Schoenthaler)致孙中山函 (1912年1月1日)


John Schoenthaler,Justice of the Peace Notary Public,Commissioner of Deeds,Pension and Real Estate Agent,839 CHAMBERS STREET.

Trenton, N.J.,January 1st, 1912

To his Excellency Dr.Sun, 1st President of China.

Dear Sir:

I am very glad to hear, that the big country of China, with its many anxious of inhabitants, has now a clearheaded true man as a ruler, that what every country wants, it don't matter if such a ruler is an Emperor, King, President, or whatever his title may be, as long as he rules his country in the interests of all his people, and not only of a certain class, and I hereby congratulate the people of China sincerely, to have such a man as you as a new ruler, and Lord god shall give you the necessary strengths, to fulfill your high office to the very best interests of all the people of China, and to keep peace, if such is any way possible, with all the countries in the world.Wishing you Excellency and your great nation a very happy new year.

I remain,Sincerely yours,

Captain John Schoenthaler

839 Chambers St.,Trenton, N.J.







上校约翰·叔舍尼 谨呈
