容闳(Yung Wing)致孙中山函 (1912年1月2日)


Hartford, Conneticut,January 2nd, 1912.

His Excellency Sun Yat Sen,Shanghai, China.

Dear Sir:

Now that you are the President of the Republic, you have the sole right to dictate your own policies and then refer to your cabinet afterwards for final decision.

The foremost question that comes before your mind is that question of an army for the Republic.

You have, in the first place, Great Britain, then comes Japan, and Russia, then follow France and Germany, all predatory nations with the one exception of the United States, each watching like a vulture, ready to destroy a republic.We know none of these nations are at all friendly towards a republic.

In order to be on the safe side, and guard our interest, it seems to me that it is necessary to have at least an army of two hundred thousand (200,000)well drilled soldiers(As to the size of the army necessary for the republic, however, General Homer Lea is doubtless the best adviser, as also in the matter of amount of money required for military appropriation).

As another thought, let me suggest that you select as assistants and expert advisers to the different members of our cabinet and heads of departments, skilled and competent Americans, to act in a purely advisory capacity.

Funds—America is the natural place to seek a foreign loan.As to the flotation of a loan, I believe that the trend of opinion among the large New York bankers and underwriting concerns is now such that the flotation of an issue or part of an issue of Bonds of the Republic of China—preferably against specific revenue—is feasible at a comparatively low rate of interest.

My son, Bartlett, whom you met in New York, has friends and connections in some of the international banking houses in New York, such as J.P.Morgan & Co.,Kuhn Loeb & Co.,and the National City Bank, which, now that events have taken such a vastly favorable turn for the Republic, would doubtless underwrite such a loan on terms favorable to the Republic, and they are amply able to do so.

My son is an enthusiastic Republican and will, I believe, accomplish something for the Republic if given a chance.

If you could see your way clear to cable me, on receipt of this letter, the amount of money you wish to raise in New York, the rate of interest you can pay, and hat collateral, if any, you can offer, I will start the young man to work at once.

My health is very much improved since you were in New York.I regret very much that I could not go down to see you at that time, but I am very glad that you have General Homer Lea with you.

Please let me congratulate you and say that I feel happy that I am able to see the day that you have become the first President of the Republic of China.

Hoping that you may continue to be in good health.

I remain,Faithfully yours,

Yung Wing
















容闳 谨志