维克多·雨果·杜勒斯(Victor Hugo Duras)致孙中山函 (1912年1月2日)


Victor Hugo Duras

Attorney and Counsellor

The Singer Building

149 Broaduay

New York.

January 2, 1911.

Dr.Sun Yat-Sen,President of the Republic of China,Shanghai, China.

Dear Dr.Sun,

I wish you a happy new year and congratulations upon your election as President of China.

I wish also to say that I should like to enter the employment of your government so as to restore peace and order and bring about stable institutions as is your desire.

There is nothing of such importance to the Republic as the services of an American of the United States, who has good connections, so as to be able to influence our government to recognize the Republic of China as soon as a de jure government is set up, and I believe that I can do so.

I have already written to Dr.Wu saying that I would like to enter the department of foreign affairs, and wish to say to you that I will be pleased to serve wherever you may think that my service is the most needed, so I hope that you will present my letter to the proper authorities and that they will decide to send for me.

Please understand that I am not offering my services for the money that there may be in it, but for the love of the institutions upon which my country is founded and a sincere desire that your people may enjoy the same freedom that does every American; though of course I shall expect that my experiences will be paid if you and the officials conclude to send for me.

Although I am at a distance and cannot understand your problem as well as you who are upon the ground, it seems to me that what China needs the most to bring about speedy peace, harmony and conciliation; is the division of the national government between the three largest cities, that is by the location of the Executive department at Pekin, the Parliamentary department at Shanghai, and the Judiciary department at Canton, thus giving each part of the immense territory a department of government as was done in the Union of South Africa.

If you deem it necessary I shall be pleased to forward you letters of recommendation from some of the government officials at Washington.

With hopes that I shall seen receive a favorable reply.

I am,very truly yours,

Victor Hugo Duras














维克多·雨果·杜勒斯 敬上