沃尔特(J.W.Walter)致孙中山函 (1912年1月2日)


132 Valentine Lane,Yonkers, N.Y.,U.S.A.,Jan.2nd, 1912.

Dr.Sun Yat Sen,Provisonal President,Shanghai, China.

Dear Sir:

Having followed with much interest the progress and outcome of China's troubles, and the present desire to push matters so as to develop the resources of China, this will naturally mean that road construction and building construction will be in great demand, and I take it for granted that American methods and results in this work would prove fast and satisfactory to all concerned.It is with this idea in mind that I take the liberty to write you, to find out if possible if it is within reason to hope that I could make connections that would lead to my taking charge of this construction in any or all of its branches.I am an American, thirty five years old, wide-awake and have had a very wide experience in all methods of construction on various operations, and my reputation is well known as regards speed, economy and the understanding and control of men.

I have taken charge of construction in Central and South America as also many States in the United States and have done much work in connection with the Panama Canal, naturally this has given me a practical experience in all.I can furnish the best of reference and can assure you that I am a hard and constant worker, and if this meets your favor, and is considered I would be pleased to learn on what terms you would have me go to China, in any event I trust you may find it convenient to favor me with a reply and sincerely hope you will except my best wishes for a speedy end of your present troubles, and that the future will prove prosperous to you and your fellow voters.

I beg to remain,Yours very truly,









J.W.沃尔特 谨呈