伊丽莎白·怀特(Elizabeth A.White)致孙中山函 (1912年1月2日)

伊丽莎白·怀特(Elizabeth A.White),即裕德龄。


40 Seymour Road,Shanghai, January 2nd, 1912

My dear Dr.Sun:

I have been most anxious to meet & have a talk with you & had asked Dr.Wu Ting Fang to give me a letter of introduction to you, but you get away before he could give it to me, so I am taking the liberty of writing to you direct.

Although married to an American, I am a Chinese & possibly not unknown to you.My father, the Late Lord Ju Keng was minister to Japan & afterwards went to France.I am very much interested in the endeavor to give China freedom & shall be much pleased if I can do something to assist.I have been approached by several of my foreign friends, who have arms & ammunition they wish to sell, to assist China.One friend in particular has a quantity of Manure rifles, 1904 model, which he is willing to sell at a very reasonable price, for quick delivery.He is asking $42 for one rifle, bayonet, cartridge belt & 100 rounds for ammunition & $7.25 per 100 rounds for additional ammunition.

Comparing this price & the quality of the cargo, with what the Chinese have bought previously, it is exceeding low.I enclosed you herewith a copy of productions.

I sincerely trust you will be interested in purchasing this cargo for several reasons.First it is the only cargo which can be delivered within one week after inspection, second, several inquiries have been received from the imperialists & last I should think you would need a very large amount of army equipment to be able to property protect such a vast country.

As my friend, who is an American, will endeavor to dispose of this cargo as soon as possible, I shall very much appreciate your kindness in sending me an early reply.

Looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you in the near future & thanking you in advance for your early favorable reply.

Yours truly,

Elizabeth A.White

Copy of Data

50,000 Mauser model rifles, 6.9mm, cabiber (not 7.9), 5shots, M1, including bayonet, cartridge belt and 100 rounds of ammunition with each rifle, all in fast serviceable condition, delivered to any point designated by the buyer, price $42.00 each.

20,000,000 additional rounds of ammunition delivered to any point designated by the buyer, price $7.25 per 100 rounds.

War risks, seizure etc.,after departure from port of loading, to be borne by the buyer.

Inspection and acceptance of goods to be made at the port of loading by representation of the buyer with full authority to act in such capacity.

All goods, including ammunition, guaranteed to be in first class serviceable condition.

Delivery of good guaranteed within 5 to 7 days after inspection and acceptance.


上海西摩路40号,1912 年1月2日








伊丽莎白·怀特 谨呈






