CROSS, HYDE & SHIPMAN,Attorneys at Law,750 MAIN ST.
Hartford, Conn.,January 3rd,1912.
Dr.Yung Wing,Hartford, Conn.
Dear Sir:
You have asked me for a written statement as to how much annual income the Republic of China should see before it in order that the Republic should be successfully operated.
I have no figures at hand except those of the United States, and the purchasing power of a dollar in the United States in China must be relatively considered in order to make any valid comparison.
Roughly speaking, in the United States each member of the population pays $20 for the maintenance of government, as follows:$10 to the maintenance of the national government, $7 to the maintenance of local and municipal government with its various public conveniences, and $3 for the maintenance of the state government; total, $20.
The origin of the national receipts is all indirect, as we call it; that is, these receipts come from customs duties and internal revenue duties.We have no direct taxation in the federal scheme.By direct taxation, I mean a tax assessed against a single individual by reason of his holding of property.Our federal taxes are all on privileges; that is, taxes are assessed for the privilege of importing certain goods, the privilege of manufacturing tobacco and of making and selling intoxicating liquors, etc.
For the most part, state taxes are indirect in that they are levied upon corporations, railroads, insurance companies, banks, etc.,although a considerable portion of the revenue now comes from the taxation of inheritances.
It must be noticed that the states or territorial divisions of the country do not contribute anything as states to the support of the national government.
The $7 per person, which is the municipal revenue, comes practically entirely from a tax on the holding of property.These taxes are spent for police protection, for protection against fire, for the maintenance of streets, building sewers, water works and various municipal conveniences, and a considerable portion of them also is spent for education and for relief of the poor.
The population of the United States today is something like 90 millions, so that broadly speaking it requires $1,800,000,000 to run the government in this country, national, state and local.Now assuming that the population of China is 400 million, on the same basis the annual revenue of the Republic of China, national, provincial and municipal, ought to be eight billions of dollars, less the difference between the purchasing power of money in the United States and in China, and less the difference in the scale of living in the respective countries.Assuming that a dollar in the United States goes five times farther in China, a fifth of that total of eight billions is $1,600,000,000 for annual appropriation, but the scale of living in China is so different from that of the United States that it is hard to say how much of the expenditure now made in the United States for governmental purposes would be absolutely unnecessary in the new Chinese republic.If one assumed that the requirements of the average individual in China for government aid were one tenth as much as the requirements of an average person for government aid in the United States, the annual budget would be reduced to $160,000,000.
I do not see how by any possible line of reasoning the amount to be annually raised by the government for the maintenance of federal, provincial and local government in China, provided government and the comfort of the population were to go on at all, could be reduced below that sum.
How to raise it:Customs duties are the easiest to collect.Internal revenue duties are the hardest to collect, and yet such taxation produces a larger revenue than comes from importing duties.It took the United States a long time to get this internal revenue system in economical operation.The imposition of local taxation (that is, direct property tax)is no more difficult in China than anywhere else.A large figure of expense of imposition and collection would be one per cent, on the total amount collected through local agencies.
These figures are largely guesses, of course.They are given on the assumption of a country in peace.The expenditures of a country disturbed or in war rise to prodigious figures.
Yours very truly,
Arthur L.Shipman
P.S.Assuming that the Chinese Republic wanted to secure, say, six competent men from the United States to act as advisers and superintendents of various governmental agencies for the new republic, I think such men could be secured, say, for $75,000 annual salary each, but a five year contract would have to be offered and the gross amount of the five year compensation viz.,$375,000 each, would have to be raised and put aside for the support of their respective families.
No capable man would leave his avocation at home and cut off his revenue unless he could see at least that amount put aside for his family in taking up a difficult and perhaps hazardous employment.
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