弗朗西斯·约翰·戴尔(F.J.Dyer)致詹姆斯·戴德律函 (1912年1月5日)



Washington Commissioner

Panama-California International Exposition

San Diego, 1915

405 Southern Building

Washington D.C.,Jan.5, 1912.

Hon.James Deitrick,Elysee Palace Hotel,Paris, France.

My dear Colonel:

I have not had much of interest to write you, but to-day I want to send you a bundle of clippings, registered, so that you can see some of the things that have been said about Dr.Sun and the Chinese Republic.I have already sent you a few, but there are many more to come.I am including some of the regular Associated and other Press Matter, some editorials, and some of the matter that went out from this office.You will see that there is a good deal of it, and that the comment is far from unfavorable.

You will find enclosed 100 clippings about the Chinese Republic.

As you will observe by the inclosed clipping relating to “Dinner for Mr.Weitzel”, Penfield was, one of “those present”.A few days previous he gave a dinner or luncheon for Weitzel.

I don't know anything very new that would be of interest to you, things are quiet as far as Nic.matters are concerned.I note that Knox yesterday cabled congratulations on the opening of the session of the Mixed Commission in Managua.

Mrs.D.Joins me is hoping that you and Mrs.Deitrick are having a good time in Paris and in sending best regards.We hope to see you both again soon.

Very sincerely,











弗朗西斯·约翰·戴尔 谨志