爱德华·道奇·华纳(Edward Dordge Warner)致孙中山函 (1912年1月7日)


1706 W.Washington,Jackson,Mich.,Jan.7, 1912

Mr.Sun Yat-sen President,Republic of China,Nankin,China.

Dear Sir:

A new year's greeting with wishes for a New Year and new Era for China,just you may wish to know something of me that my message of faith, and goodwill may come, not from a stranger, but as from a friend.

I am descended from Sir Thomas Wells, second governor of Connecticut—on my father's side.Back of that, I am told, through the time of William the Conquenor, to the De Vaux family of France, whence came William of Gorge.My father's brother who formerly lived in London, was often taken forth Prince of Wales—look at a picture of Edward.The seventh of England, and you see his exact likeness.My mother is from the family of Gorge Peabody, the philanthropist.But their connect only as soiling a standard & he hired up to highest & of all.I am a follower of Jesus Christ, in the shape of a card a few days ago, I wished for happiness,prosperity, and the blessings to you as President and to the people and nation that can only come through Christ from God.But as the card may be intercepted, I want to repeat my good wishes for peace,joy, happiness, prosperity and blessing to you and to your country, for I feel I am but expressing what is in the hearts of the people of America.And I rejoice that you are taking up your work in the spirit of Christ in the love of God and of your fellow men for this is the secret of progress and prosperity and peace & blessing upon the law China can become the greatest of all nations, that is the secret of America growth and strengthy.

I am praying for you that you may be guided aright, and recognize God is leading you.One of the most momentous events in history is taking place.It is God working most marvelously.May you serve Him well!

I am praying for you and China daily at noon.Can I be of further help to you?Can I serve by representing you in this country in anyway?

With a prayer for Gods' richest blessing upon you and your people.

I am,Cordially Yours,

Edward D.Warner

As you are.Through Him I feel to you as to a brother—and, infaith in Him, I wish you—and your nation, the blessings of peace, joy, property and happiness.

I was a Cornell man, and graduated at the University of Michigan and was then called as instructor at Chicago University by Prof.Tufte, at the time of the organization, but felt I had no right to accept as my mother was incurably ill, as the best specialist said, so I remained at home while my sisters were small.But God marverlously gave her back to us, in health and strength, a wonderful story of his goodness! Praise be with Him!

It may interest you to know that Mrs.President Taft is also a descendant from Sir Thomas Wells.Senator Willam Aldence Smith, Senator Txonnceed of the State, and President Angell of Ann Arbor are good friends.

Now let me again pray for you that God shall uphold your arms, and direct you in all things for the good of your people and of the world.

Sincerely Edward Dordge Warner










爱德华·华纳 谨呈





爱德华·道奇·华纳 谨呈