查尔斯·B.托恩斯(Charles B.Touns)致孙中山函 (1912年1月8日)


Charles B.Touns Hospital

Established 1901

For the Treatment of Drug and Alcoholic Addiction

119 West 81st Street

New York

January 8, 1912.

His Excellency, Sun Yat Sen,President,Republic of China,Shanghai, China.

Honored Sir:

I can readily understand that your mind must be occupied with so many measures for the reform of the new Republic that it is almost an imposition to infringe upon your time.I know, however, how deeply you have at heart the welfare of your country, and believing that nothing is more important in the program of reforms than the elimination of the opium habit, I take this opportunity of advancing to you a proposition that will, I am sure, secure your favorable consideration.

For the past 11 years I have been working upon a treatment for the cure of opium and drug addictions, and after an expenditure of much time and money have succeeded in working out a treatment that leaves the addict free from any desire for the drug within four days after its administration.I have connected with me in my work the greatest physicians in this country, and, as a matter of fact, my patients are brought to me for treatment by Doctors, in many cases from great distances.

Several years ago I opened hospitals in Shanghai, Tientsin and Peking to demonstrate the efficacy of my treatment.Hundreds of Chinese, both men and women, entered our hospitals, remained from three to four days and left entirely cured of the desire for the drug.These addicts were from all classes.Among them were Central Lung and Marquis Tseng, both of whom had been addicts for 30 to 40 years.Many were treated for a nominal fee, others for nothing, an allowance of $15.00 (Mex)having been made me by the Chinese Government for the administration of the treatment to a certain group of patients.I need not tell you, however, the difficulty that attended the introduction of reforms under the old regime.I encountered enormous opposition from a clique of high officials who were receiving a large “squeeze” from the vendors of pills containing opium, supposed to be a cure for drug addiction.We cured hundreds of Chinese of all classes.At the completion of these demonstrations, I gave the method of treatment and the formula to the world through the International Opium Conference then in session at Shanghai and returned to my work in New York.

I want you to know that I am perfectly disinterested in this matter and wish to offer my help to the Empire through your honorable self.I believe that you will realize that in order to satisfy England and other nations that China is serious in the protestation of her desire to eradicate the use of the drug, she must offer throughout the Republic to the users of the drug a method of treatment that will enable them, at a minimum cost, to abandon its use.I am aware that the finances of the new Republic are not in a condition to encourage any great expenditures, but I believe that a large building could be secured in Shanghai where we could demonstrate the treatment and instruct either Chinese or foreigners in its administration, so that eventually similar hospitals might be opened under Government control and supervision, in the capital of each Province, where it would be possible for every opium user to secure relief from its use at a very small cost.The Board of Directors of our Shanghai Institute include Messrs.Yu Ya Ching, Shen Tun Ho, and Y.C.Tong.They, especially the latter, who sent us patients from the Imperial Telegraphs, can tell you of the success that attended the administration of our treatment.

President Taft, when Secretary of War, made a most searching investigation into the method and results of our treatment, and upon the completion of the work and the report of the doctors detailed upon the commission, recommended the adoption of the cure officially in the Philippine Islands.The Secretary of State acted under instructions and President Taft himself cabled the Governor General of the Islands, and recommended the adoption of this treatment there.

I expect to leave for Washington within the next week or ten days for a conference with President Taft, and I am sure that our government will welcome any measure having as its object the amelioration of the conditions so deeply affecting the great mass of the Chinese people.

I am enclosing a few pamphlets with regard to our work in the United States and I want you to feel that I am with you heart and soul in this work and willing to do anything in my power to help it along.

Trusting and believing that this will receive your favorable consideration, and awaiting your reply.

Believe me,Yours respectfully,

Charles B.Touns













查尔斯·B.托恩斯 敬上