伊莎贝尔·沃纳·贝尔(Isabel Honor Beller)致孙中山函 (1912年1月9日)


Java, January 9th, 1912

To Dr.Sun Yat Seng.

Dear Sir,

Knowing a great friend of yours, Dr.Cantlie, for so many years resident in China.I venture to write to you direct, as you have now obtained a position of such eminence in China, & knowing no one else in the country to whom I do apply; to enquire whether you think it would be safe for me & my two daughters, to visit Peking, the Ming tombs, & the great wall, about March or April? Having left England in Nov.last, on an extended tour in Far East, with the definite intention of doing so, at which time things were about in their normal states, some hoped to be able to carry out ours plans quite entirely, but now, seeing from the papers (or rather telegrams only)that the old regime was been overthrown (which however much the government will be informed in the future, for the present at least things are borned to be thrown out of fear)& that “telegraphic communication had been interrupted between Peking & Takucol” & that the “railway was expected to be endangered”.I am afraid we shall not now be able to return home by the Manchuria railway as we had planed.Some say that by that time, things will have settled down & order be reestablished so as to make it possible to travel in the country as before! But I should now hesitate to do so without some definite authority that would be possible for ladies to visit Peking with safety.I should therefore extreme it a favor if Dr.Sun Yat Sen would be kind enough to spare a few minutes from his overous duties to inform me through his secretary whether we might safely venture or not?

I saw Mrs.Cantile just before leaving London & would have got a letter of introduction from her, only it was not then necessary, & I believe you were still in England yourself?

Hoping for a early reply.

Believing me,Yours very truly,

Isabel Honor Beller

Kindly Address:Mr.H.W.Beller,c/o Chartered Bank of India,Australia & China,Hongkong









伊莎贝尔·沃纳·贝尔 谨呈
