严韶美国致孙中山函 (1912年1月9日)


Box 146, Cothbus, Ohio, U.S.A.,January 9, 1912

Dr.Sun Yat Sen,Nanking, China.

My dear Dr.Sun:

I must by letter, as my financial standing cannot allow me to congratulate you by cable, congratulate you as the George Washington of the United States of China.Your election, which has not only shows the wisdom of the people but also shows the recognition by the Chinese people your hard work for last twenty years, is an inspiration to all Chinese who realized the need of a republican form of government which should be “for the people, by the people, and of the people”.Your election to the office of executive of the newly borned republic is not only an inspiration to all Chinese people who for long time wanted to be free from the oppressed Manchu government, but it is also a hope of a quick ending of the undesirable Manchu dynasty which is not only an obstacle to the progress of the people of the Han, but also a menace to the peace of the world.

In short:your election personally is a great reward or an universal recognition by the people for the twenty years hard work of yours; politically your election is a blessing or God's best gift to the Chinese people who like the people of other civilized nations, are entitled to a freedom, a liberty, and a pursuance of happiness.There is no one of the 400,000,000 strong is better fit for the difficult task of the office of the first President of the Republic of China than you are; there is none of the sons of the Han is better deserve for the honor than you are; and there is none “within the four seas”, who can give at this critical time—the most critical period of the whole Chinese history—a more inspiration and more hope than you can.Like George Washington, you are the father of the country—the Republic of China; and like his, your light of reflection will shine in China forever.I hope that China under your guidance will rapidly come to power, prosperity, happiness.

Then in future the military rule is no longer necessary, the question of “what type of republican form of government” would naturally come up for a consideration; for there are two types of indirect representative form of government besides the directed representatives form or pure democracy.The former type is represented by the governments of France and the United States of America, while the latter is represented by Switzerland.He can not adopt the pure democracy form; for it is impossible for such a large country like ours.So, the pure democracy type is out of question for consideration.What we want is an indirected representative form either of French type or the American type.The former type is a parliamentary, while the later is presidential.In comparison, the parliamentary type or French type is much better in many respect than that of the United States of American or presidential type.Why France has a better constitution was due to the fact that the French constitution was a later creature—French constitution of the present day was promulgated in 1815, while that of the United States of America was originated in 1776 and was modified in 1783.

For my knowledge and to my sincere belief, the parliamentary system of government for an republic has more advantages than the presidential system of government.For instance:the French type, which is a parliamentary type, has many advantages over the presidential type of American.In summarizing the advantages of the parliamentary system of government, there are three great advantages the French people enjoy over the American:(1)the centralization of government, (2)the responsibility of a cabinet, and (3)the harmony between the administrative and legislative departments.For instance:America, as its central government is so discentralized, the president is often handicapped by the confliction of the federal laws with the state rights.The Japanese school controversy in California was one of the indications of the difficulties of the discentralized government of the the United States of American; in the United States of American, the responsibility for the failure of carrying out the wishes of the people cannot be fixed on neither the shoulder of the president nor the shoulder of the congress, for these two departments—administrative and the legislative—are too independent from each other; and as these two departments are too independent from each other, the people of the country often suffer for lost time and money as a direct result of disharmony of them.In case of a disagreement, neither one of this two departments can control or dominate the other; and as a result of there disagreement, time and money were lost to the people.On the other hand, France, under the parliamentary system, the prime minister, who is the real executive (president of France, like the king of England, is merely a figure head)is responsible for the action of the lower bunch of the national legislative.As he is responsible for the action of the chamber, the chamber must carry out his policy and pass any bill that he may introduce.In case of a disagreement in policy, the prime minister must in the name of the President dissolve the chamber or himself resign from office.So, in France, under the parliamentary system of government, the government is centralized in power, the responsibility of carrying out the will of the people is fixed, and there has no American dead lock between the administrative and the legislative department.

I honestly believe that you are in the same view.

Two years ago, before I took the course (3 hours a week of recitation)of study of the modern constitution of all constitutional governments, I thought the form of American government is the best form; but my view has been changed since then.In the class there were almost every student believe the same as I believe, even the professor himself.

Besides the expression of my belief of the advantage of adopting in future, the French system of government, I, if you will kindly allow me, wish to make some suggestion of national policy for your consideration.The following suggestion I like respectfully to make:

1.A national army should be first of all important national affairs as quickly as possible be organized; for what the Republic need in her defense is a strong army (the building up of a navy can be deferred).

2.The American militia system should be adopted.

3.An establishment of national currency with a fixed standard should be adopted.

4.Foreign loan for welfare of the country should be made.

5.Trunk lines of railroad should be built as rapidly as possible.

6.The mountains throughout China should be reforested; for forestry is resources of all resources.

7.Free public schools, free speak, and free press.

8.Public roads should be widen and extend by... a requirement of improvement of its roads by every village throughout China.The good road has an importance to communication of intelligent, to the eternal trade and as well to the welfare of the farmers.

9.Natural resources of all kinds should be developed.

10.On establishment of a migration bureau.

(a)Domestic migration:

(1)Induce the people from proper China to Manchuria.

(2)To Mongolia.

(3)To Tibet.

(4)To other northwest parts of the country.

(b)Foreign migration:

(1)To Mexico and other South American countries.

(2)To Siberia for political purpose.

(3)To Southern parts of Asia.

Foreign migrants should be followed by consuls, merchants, editors and teachers.

Domestic migrants should be given homestead land, cheap or free transportation, and follow by teachers, editors, and merchants.

Now, as much suggestion of national affairs, I wish turn to my own affair.I, as a humble but proud citizen of the Republic, am very anxious to come back for service.In other words, I am very anxious to come back to serve the country; for I am a republican at heart, and feel that it is my duty to come back to serve the Republic—its government, its people, and its society.But against my desire, I am not able to come back at present on account of lacking of fund.As a personal friend, I like to ask you to send me two hundred dollars gold for returning passage.

I am,Yours very respectfully,

A.S.Yim 严韶


































严韶 敬上