《裴义理拓殖计划》报道 (1912年1月10日)



The Shanghai Times



“At last!” will be the grateful exclamation of not a few of our readers when they find, in another column, the brief outline of a scheme, known under this name, for the purpose of dealing with famine refugees in such a way that in the first place they shall help themselves from the beginning, and in the long run shall be so established that they at any rate shall not in future be likely claimants for further famine relief.

“O that something tangible might be done!” That has been the despairing cry of many a man who hates the very thought of inhumanity, and yet sees the evil effects of indiscriminate feeding, and the throwing of money away into the bottomless sea of an ever recurring want so hopeless and helpless as to tax the resources and the faith of the whole charitable world.China has had this experience for ages.She has become accustomed to it.It is fate, Kisnet, or whatever other synonym for unavoidable destiny she may choose to apply to it.So far as our own reading is concerned, we cannot find that the Manchu dynasty, against which so much is being said just now, is any more to blame than its predecessors for not having undertaken permanent works for the purpose of prevention rather than amelioration of famines.The task may have been beyond the comprehension of the ordinary official mind, as it certainly would be beyond that of the ordinary sufferers from it.These would attribute it to the anger of Heaven, a very convenient way out of the difficulty for those who did not want to spend money on earthworks.

But the interloping foreigner knows better.He knows that the anger of Heaven is but another name for the ignorance and supineness of man, and his one recommendation is to be up and doing, as his one-worded vocabulary in such cases is “Prevention”.Hence the impatience of the west with the laissez faire policy of the past.“Do something,” is the reiterated demand of the whole of the Shanghai press.“Do something,” is shouted at meetings called to consider ways and means.“Here is money, but do something,” comes over the wires.

And now Mr.BAILIE proposes to make a beginning.He does not ask for three hundred millions of taels as one projector does! It is only a modest $2,000 which he demands in order to secure the further $5,000 promised by the Famine Relief Fund, and to raise even this small amount men are to be asked merely to support a Gala Performance at the Lyceum Theatre.It is doubtless true that Shanghai to-day is not so flush of funds as it is during busier times, but we feel quite sure that the sum of $ 2,000 will not be allowed for a day to stand in the way of the experiment which is to be tried.What that experiment is our readers will see for themselves in the scheme we reproduce.For ourselves we must say that the idea appeals to us as at once practicable, promising, and worthy of support.It is only an experiment, however, and will not lessen to any extent the arduous duty of the Committee in saving life as much as possible.But if it be a success, then there will be an object lesson such as China has never before seen, and one which in time should do a great deal towards that prevention of evils which is better than the best cure.

There will, however, still remain the question of dyke renovation, and of river conservancy.If the coming National Assembly agrees to the republican form of Government now being recommended to it, there will be this matter left as one of the many legacies of the Manchus to their successors.Then, in time, we should expect the problem to be attacked as it would be attacked in the west, first by an army of surveyors to discover exactly what is wanted and how it can best be provided, then by the financial authorities to see where the money is to come from, and what changes there are of the game being worth the candle, and lastly, the promise being sufficient, the engineer and his men busily engaged in actual operations.







