威廉姆·格雷斯(William I.Gracey)致孙中山函 (1912年1月10日)


American Consulate,Nanking, China, January 10, 1912.

Dr.Sun Yat-sen,Nanking.

Dear Sir:

I understand that you are contemplating the purchase of a high powered motor car for use here, and as I am about to dispose of my machine I beg to inform you that it is available.I purchased the car when in America in August last, brought it to China in November and it is now in Shanghai where my wife has been using it.I believe it is the largest and highest powered motor car in this country, being a 45 horse power Rambler with seating capacity for seven persons.I am sending you herewith a catalogue which fully describes the car.It cost new with the extra attachments of a Cabriol horn, trunk rack, Every ready clock and speedometer, extra spare wheel with tire complete, etc.$3200 gold in America, the cost of bringing it to China etc.not included.It has been run about 4000 miles.As my wife is returning to America I am planning to purchase a smaller car for my own use and do not care to keep this one.It can be seen at any time at the Shanghai Motor House an Avenue Road in Shanghai, or if you are interested in it I can have it brought to Nanking for your inspection.

If we can arrange a sale direct without any middlemen to have commissions I can, of course, give you a better price than would otherwise be possible, and for a quick sale will accept Tls 4000.

A picture of the car will be seen on page six of catalogue, the same car with top up is shown on page twenty, and with side curtains attached on page thirty, a description of the car will also be found on page thirty four.

This car is, so far as I know, the finest car of its kind in China, and has several special features such as aluminum floor, all metal body, adjustable steering pillar, strong brakes, all nuts locked, safety cranking device, offset crankshaft, double ignition system, starting from the seat by sparking without cranking when the machine has been running, electric side and tail lamps, and gas front lights, brass bound adjustable wind shield, all guards baked enamel instead of paint, and spare wheel which can be attached in a few moments in case of a punctured tire.

Kindly let me have the catalogue back after perusal.

If you are interested in a high priced car, or if any of your friends are contemplating purchasing, I do not think you could get a greater bargain than this machine at the price for which I offer it.

Trusting to hear from you reading the matter.

Yours sincerely,

William I.Gracey












威廉姆·格雷斯 谨上