维德·波斯特克(Wade D.Bostick)致孙中山函 (1912年1月10日)


Po Chow, An Hwei,Jan.10, 1912

The Honorable President Sun,NANKING.

My Dear Sir:

Not knowing that you have been informed of the matters just east of here and thinking that you might appreciate knowing.I am enclosing a copy of a letter which I have just written to the Shanghai paper.I am also sending a copy of the same letter and one like unto the one I am writing to you to Peking asking our Minister there to deliver it to The Premier Yuan Shih Kai.

For more than two months now, the trafic on this river has been entirely stopped and no mail has been able to pass on account of robbers along the river between here and Hwai Yuan, 360 li from here.This taking of Woyang will only add to this bad condition of affairs.There are hundreds of boats constantly going this route when they can and now all are stopped.The mail was not been able to pass either and this is causing no little inconvenience too.The local authorities seem unequal to the task and have done nothing at an attempt to route these robbers.For this reason I am persuaded that Your Honor will not be displeased at my presuming to communicate the matter to you.

I am respectfully,

Wade D.Bostick







维德·波斯特克 谨致