道森(T.N.Dusing)致孙中山函 (1912年1月11日)


59 Singa Road,Shanghai,January 11th,1912

His Excellency,President Sun Yat Sen,Nanking.


I have for a number of years served the Chinese Telegraph Administration as Chief Superintendent & Foreign Adviser & in this capacity concluded important connections with the four foreign Cable Companies and the five foreign powers having limitroph connections with China.I have also personally trained more than one hundred young Chinese for high positions in the Telegraph service.In 1908 I represented China at the International Telegraph Convention at Lisbon.—When the present national rising took place and the head office of the Telegraph Administration was occupied I offered to remain in my office & to the best of my ability assist in all telegraph matters relating to the foreign interests of China, but the young man,who was put in charge, demanded that I should sign a new agreement etc.My agreement is that as my agreement is made with the Imperial Government of China, it is impossible for me to sign any new agreement as long as that government exists, but it does not prevent me from continuing to work for the interest of China as a neutral person.At my return from Peking, I was, however, informed by Mr.Y.C.Fang that I could not again occupy my usual office, because I had refused to sign a new contract.—The Telegraphs of China, require very careful handling as 58,000 pounds Sterling will have to be paid yearly until 1930 and the many existing international conventions will have to be most careful watched and carried out.I appeal to your Excellency to have my office handed back and to allowed as hitherto to watch the foreign interests of the Chinese Telegraph as this is not a political but an international question.

I have the honor to be,Sir,Your most obedient Servant,








道森 谨呈