唐月池(Tong Sing Leung)致孙中山函 (1912年1月11日)


Ping Chow,Canton, 11/11th 4609.

His Excellency Sun Chung Shan,President of the Chung Wa Republic.

My dear Excellency:

The Canton Dailies have just proclaimed the memorable fact that the New Republic has just formally elected its first President, and the distinguished honor justly fell upon your illustrious self.Permit me to extend to you my sincere and may God prosper your future efforts so that our hitherto benighted land may rap that full measure of prosperity and happiness which should crown your patient and untiring efforts of over eighteen years.Your Excellency cannot imagine the inexpressible joy that it imparts to me, a citizen of China, to be able to thus take up the pen and address the Ruler of the land, and feeling assumed that even my humble self shall have the ear of the greatest personage of my country!

Although being a Taotai of the past dynasty, yet it was a most difficult task for such as myself to edge in a word for the public welfare.The charm between the Ruler and the ruled was so great in the Tsin Dynasty, that it could not but prove the eating cancer that devoured patriotism and public spirit from the hearts of our people, proving its ultimate destruction.My past acquaintance with Your Excellency makes me bold to now trespass upon your goodness and attention:you may remember that about eighteen years ago, Mr.Wai Pao Shan of Hong Kong introduced me to you.I was then connected with Governor Tong of Formosa assisting him in his attempt to establish a Republic in Formosa.Since my return to China, I have for the past twenty years been studying the conditions of our country and its people in nearly every province of our vast land, and was convinced of the fact that unless such radical changes as you now have so brilliantly effected, it was hopeless to be able to attain to that position of power and prosperity which the great resources of our country should place us.

So although I have been for many years an official of rank, yet I kept strictly aloof from an official life and its many corruptions.As you may recall, I graduated from the State University in California in an Engineering Course, so after the Cession of Formosa, I went into the Interior and prospected way into Szechuan and the frontiers of Thibet.The then Viceroy Lee of Szechuan granted me several concessions:I approached Mr.Young Wing to go to Szechuan, as I considered that province a decidedly advantageous basis of operation; Mr.Young was of my opinion, and we were working smoothly together when his nephew made a premature uprising in Hankow which implicated him, so Young Wing had to flee from the country.

My cooperation with your movement was thus interrupted, yet I have ever since been working among the official classes in my own way towards the desired end.

At the death of Kuang Sui, I went to Peking and ventured to present a memorial predicting that within five years at most there shall be the greatest general Uprising take place, unless he, the Regent, was broad minded and wise enough to make such radical changes and take such measures as I recommended.I staid in Peking for over a year, receiving no other reward for my efforts than a scorn for my revolutionary views, so I shook the dust off my feet and left there in disgust.In such a Government as Your Excellency is now establishing, I would gladly come forward with my heart and soul, which I could not conscientiously do in the past.

Thinking that having been abroad for twenty years; being brought up and educated under American Institutions, and afterwards coming to China, I have with in the last twenty years been into nearly every province of our country, so that my opportunity for observation and experience has been such that I can discern the vital needs of our people; and my past position also has been such that I had the best of opportunity to observe and steadily the faults and mistakes of the Officials; so thinking that my experience may enable me to assist in the general elevation of our race.I have presumed upon your friendship and goodwill in thus intruding myself.

With this same view in mind, I wrote to your friend Hu Hon Men when he took over the Viceroyalty of Canton.In the mining and industrial fields, I no doubt can render important and valuable service and advise.

To the industrial progress of the Country must we look for the permanent prosperity of our people.I live in the country, so that when I heard of Your Excellency's arrival, I hurried to Canton only to find that you had sailed for the North.In the reconstruction of the Government your needs for men of experience and education shall be great and varied and if Your Excellency should condescend to take notice of a past acquaintance, I shall immediately come forward and do all in my power in your service; hoping for the honor of hearing from Your Excellency, I enclose my address.

Again allow me to tender to Your Excellency my heart felt congratulations and the best of wishes and may He that has led you hitherto shall lead you all your journey through and in turn that you may steer the ship of State to prosperity & happiness.

I beg, to remain Your Excellency's Most faithful servant

Tong Sing Leung














 唐月池 敬上
