詹姆森(C.D.Jameson)致孙中山函 (1912年1月11日)


Transportation of Grain into the Famine District

Shanghai, 11-1-1912

H.E.Sun Yat sen,President of the Republic of China,Nanking.

Dear Dr.Sun:

The following is written at the request of the Centre China Famine Relief Committee.

The Committee has voted Tls.50,000 for the immediate starting of famine relief in Kiangs north of Thing Kiang Pu—and of course much of their work, contains of buying rice and grain for the famine disaster—They contemplate buying as soon as possible 25,000 of rice—this rice will be shipped up the Grand Canal from Chingkiang or Wuhu.

In 1907 and other famine year, the Famine Committee along with the Chinese government arranged the transportation of the grain as follows:

At the Port of shipment—usually Chingkiang, the Committee delivered the rice—notifying a man delegated by the Viceroy when rice would arrive for shipment up the Canal and in what amounts.When the rice arrived, the amount and quality was checked by a Famine Committee man and the man appointed by the Viceroy—Then the Viceroy's man took charge of it and delivered it at Thing Kiang Pu or any point on the canal designated by the Famine Committee agent and at this point a famine agent took delivery of it and entered to the final distribution.The Chinese government paid the cost of its own men and the cost of transportation.On this way the work was much simplified as the government can handle this transportation much cheaper and better than the Famine Committee.

The committee requested me to ask if you would consider making of same such arrangements this year?

There would be needed a government man at:


Some stations north of the Huai River on the railway—and at Thing Kiang Pu—

There would need to be at least two powerful trips for the canal—

When possible, the rice needed in the district north of Thing Kiang Pu should not be transshipped at Thing Kiang Pu but continue north in the same boat to point of final delivery.

I think Chang Quen would take charge of this matter if it met with your approve.


The parts of the famine district where relief work is being done well have to be well policed as no matter how much work is done and how much grain distributed, but a small part of the sufferers can be taken care of and some slight disturbances might occur.

Advice from local authorities as to the number of police needed can be obtained, also the rice boats when in transact needed be guarded.


All custom and likin dues for grain going to the famine district should be remitted.This should apply, if possible, not only on grain sent by the famine committee, but upon all commercial grain delivered at the famine points—ever being taken that the tax should be remitted only on grain delivered at famine points.

All famine grain should be given some sort of custom pass, that will convey the grain from the point of shipment to point of delivery without redirection or delay at intermediate custom points.

Grain from the west of Anhui—

It would be well if all custom and likin dues could be remitted on all grain conveying down the Huai River and its tributaries west of Huai Yuan and on all grain going up Un Ko and other rivers towards the north into the famine district—or around the Hungze Lake to Thiang Kiang Pu—this remittance of custom used to apply to all grains—commercial or otherwise.

Also, there should be a strict order that no grain should be shipped south from Thing Kiang Pu.

These measures of dues etc.upon ...grain and the absolute prohibition of any exportation down the Canal south of Thing Kiang Pu will lend much to keep down the price of grain and increase the quantity in the famine district.

Of course, the most important and urgent of the above mentioned arrangements is the arrangement for the transportation—that is urgent—and whatever arrangement can be made, touching that question should be decided upon at once.

Hoping these suggested arrangements may to some extent meet with your approval.

I am,Yours faithfully,


American Red Cross Emquier to China



上海, 1912年1月11日


























C.D.詹姆森 谨志
