January 12th, 1911此处时间原件打字有误,应为“1912”。
Dear Mr.Chow Kit,
I am sorry I was not able to attend your meeting about Chinese affairs yesterday, but I was engaged elsewhere.
This morning I was speaking to Mr.Cowan and he thinks that you ought to make some endeavor towards restoring peace in China & preventing a continuance of the present state of confusion which seems to be getting worse & worse.
It cannot be impossible to arrange some terms between the two parties and under this is done the whole country will fall to pieces:I should think your friends might insist on some effort being made to bring about a settlement before you gave any more money and I understand that Mr.Cowan intends to speak to Loke-Yew on this subject.
Yours truly,
H.N.弗瑞尔 谨上