柯文(W.Cowan)致陆秋杰函 (1912年1月12日)



Chinese Secretariat,Kuala Lumpur, 12th January, 1912.


1. I have the honor to invite your attention to an extract from the Straits Times under the heading of “Revolution and rascals”, which was published in the Maley Mail of yesterday's date.

2.You will recollect the interview with the British Resident on the 20th November, 1911, on the subject of collecting subscription for the Red Cross Society in China.

3.On your assurance, the Resident gave his consent to the raising of funds in Selangor through the instrumentality of the Chamber of Commerce, a representative body—the subscription—books were to be signed by the Protector of Chinese and issued to authorized collectors only.

Further, you promised to keep the Resident posted as to the amount of subscriptions raised, how the money is to be utilized, and any further action contemplated by you for the welfare of your country.

4.I merely write this by way of reminder to you, and hope that in the interests of the Chinese subscribers proper accounts are being kept, and that a true statement will shortly be furnished, both for the information of the British Resident and the public.The statement should, I think, be also published in the Chinese Press as is done in Hong Kong.

5.I do not mean to suggest that any malpractice has occurred in the State of Selangon in respect of the collection of subscriptions for your suffering countrymen, but in view of the above-mentioned publication (Revolution and rascals), I am of opinion it is absolutely essential to strictly supervise the work.

I have the honour to be,Gentlemen,Your obedient servant,


Protector of Chinese,Selangor & N.Sembilan.










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