陈东和致孙中山函 (1912年1月15日)


Medan,15th January, 1912

To His Worship the President,The Chinese Republication Government,Nankin, China,Asia.

With much respect and humiliation, I solicit the liberty to lay, before your Worship's notice, the following lines that all the brethren in Medan pray your worship to permit them to tender their sincerest and most heartfelt congratulations to your Worship on the well-deserved success of being elected to be our most Worshipful President in China, and they also pray day and night to almighty god that, by His help, all of us may soon rise up from the old recumbent position and bondage in the hands of our sworn enemies, the Manchus.

On the other hand, I most respectfully and most humbly ask Your Worships to allow me to express my poor and unworthy views, regarding certain works in China, which I suppose have not exactly agreed with yours.But, as I think it my duty to do this, I most humbly beg that Your Worship will mercifully pardon me for the bold step I have taken toward Your Worship.

My poor and unworthy views are as follows:

Firstly, if possible, a lottery-enterprise up to the amount of $1,000,000 has to be created three or four times a year in our two provinces in China, much as Canton and Hokkien.Each lot is to be sold at $10 only.The distribution of prizes intended for the drawing of this lottery-enterprice must not be more than $500,000 in the whole lots of it.Another half of the amount $500,000 can be given away for good purpose, such as for the support of hospitals and schools, etc.It is also possible that a certain number of lots can be sent and sold to our brothers who are living in Java, Sumetra, Borneo,Straits Settements, etc.

Secondly,banking houses are to be established in Shanghai, Canton and Hankow.In Shanghai must be the Head-office.Shares are therefore given out to be sold, in every part of the world, to our brethren who would surely feel inclined to posses a few shares to promote the benefit of China, while being for the present in an awkward position.In this manner, financial helps can be obtained without the least difficulty from the banking undertakings, when in great need.

I most respect and most humbly pray Your Worship to allow me to state that the worth for the helpless and wounded in China was carried on in past time by Mr.Leong Swee Siong alone in Medan; but, beginning from the 10th December 1911, The work is taken up by the following persons:

As President:       Mr.Chong Ah Fie

Vise-PresidentMr.Khoo Chin Tek

1st SecretaryMr.Leong Swee Siong

2nd SecretaryMr.Cheah Oh Nooi

TreasureMr.Tan Tang Ho

CommitteesMr.Lim Be Kee

Mr.Yeap Jan Chian

Mr.Chong Chin Hian

And 26 persons to assist and manage the business.

As Sumatra being in the hands of the Dutch government,All the brethren in Medan found hard to carry on the work.It is therefore necessary to have a man favoured with Dutch title to witness their action.As Mr.Chong Ah Fie is the man who has been selected to be Chinese Captain in Medan by the Dutch Government, he is therefore elected to be the President of the work for the helpless and wounded in China.He is often present at the meeting, but he does not restrain the improvement of the work.

Thirdly, pardon me to let Your Worship know that, on the 22nd December 1911, a sum of $4,000 for the helpless in China was sent to Sir Sin Toh Gin, the government of Foo Chow, and another number $8,000 to Mr.Lee Yoh Thong, the treasurer of Canton; and, on the 4th January 1912, a sum of $4,000 was again sent to Sir Sin Toh Jin of Foo Chow, and another sum of $10,000 to Mr.Wong Hon San in Shanghai.At the time when the number of $10,000 was sent to Mr.Wong Hon San in Shanghai, I had wired to your honour about it.The whole amount of the four sums sent to China is being $26,000 only.

Before coming to the conclusion of my humblest letter.I earnestly pray to Almighty God that He may liberally share His grace upon Your Worship as our President, with many successes, and also prolong Your Worship's life for many years to come, and He will kindly deliver our brethren from the hands of the poisonous Manchus, the blood-suckers.

Your most respectful and most humblest servant,



Again, a number of $8,000 was sent to China on the 17th instant to Sir Chan Keng Meng,the Governor of Canton.All this money was sent by the “Deli Wah Jheoh”.The sum sent by the “Deli Wah Jheoh” is altogether $34,000.













第二书记:Cheah Oh Nooi 先生







陈东和 敬呈
