杨桐(Young Tong)致孙中山函 (1912年1月15日)


P.O.Box 807,Honolulu, T.H.,Jan.15, 1912.

Dr.Sun Yat Sen,President Chung Wah Republic.

Dear Sir:

My name may seem strange to your eyes and cause your mind to recall, one by one, the many acquaintances you have made in this country, yet I am glad to say that I once had the honor of conversing with you personally, of affairs concerning our country, at Hilo, Hawaii, during you last visit in these islands.

Now that you have, practically, accomplished your object, and are unmistakably placed at the head of our newly established and longed-for Republic, you are not only a benefit to the four hundred million souls of our country, but also an honor to your family and our “Choy Hang” clan.I sincerely congratulate you for your success, and for the noble work that you have done for the future happiness, prosperity, and strength of our nation.

The minds of our fellow-countrymen in this country have greatly altered since the beginning of the revolution.Many, who were formerly supporters of the worthless Manchu emperor, are now helpful Republicans.The revolutionary movements have been closely followed by all, and it has given us great joy to hear of the rapid success of our Fellow-Revolutionists.Mass-meetings were held to show our interest in the cause, parades were directed to show our joy, and red-white-and-blue flags were raised to show our sympathy.You have, undoubtedly, already heard of this rising spirit of our Chinese people in Hawaii nei.For further information on the subject, your worthy son, who has so kindly consented to carry this letter to you for me, is in a far better position to tell you.

Without doubt, when the Republic is firmly established, China will be in need of men of various occupations.In this case, if you should see any chance for me to render my humble service to our dear country, will you kindly write to me at the address given above, or wire to me at the Liberty News, if it requires my immediate action? I am, at present, under employment in one of the steamers of the Inter Island Steam Navigation Company, with whom I have worked for twenty years.

Thanking you in advance, and wishing you continuing success.

I am your obedient servant,

Young Tong (杨桐).翠亨村

P.S.A.H.Wong(王雩庆), who is a member of the Tong Ming Society, and who has the honor to be called upon to write this letter, sincerely joins in all congratulations and best wishes.











翠亨村杨桐 谨呈
