约翰尼斯·巴罗林(Johannes C.Barolin)致孙中山函 (1912年1月16日)


WIEN, VII./1.,APOLLOGASSE 8,TELEPH.7992,16 January, 1912


With keen interest and enthusiasm we are watching in Europe the great movement in China in which you lead your faithful followers to victory.It is a most important event of immense bearing in the World's history which we are witnessing now.

All friends of Culture and progress are wishing you success with all their heart and hope that you will bring your action to a satisfactory finish in the interest of your nation.You may be sure of the fullest confidence of your people to you as a hero, also in times of peace and then no doubt as President of China you will unfold an evergrowing activity as Reformer and Leader of Millions of your people.

Permit me to convey to you my best wishes for the furtherance of the aforesaid cause and at the same time I beg you, when reforming the Educational Institutions of your Country to kindly take into consideration the ideas and suggestions set forth in my work:“Der Schulstaat”.I am sending you a Copy of this book under separate cover.

Further, to gain the contentment of the masses you would have to establish certain humanitarian Institutions which either not yet exist in your Country or in an unsufficient form only.

My book“Der sociale Staat im Staate” contains Proposals which, if brought to realization protect the people of Poverty an Misery.

If we further study the work of the Parliaments, one notices that the representation of the people is an unsufficient one, as representatives of the Political Parties only are elected into the Parliament whereas the people also ought to be represented by a corporation which, based upon the Economical Interests of the Population, consists of representatives of the various Economical groups, so as to form a “Parliament dealing with economical Questions”.

As the women also ought to be represented according to their state of evolution and region of activity a“Parliament of Women” should be established, dealing with all questions concerning women and their emancipation.

The resolutions come into force if same have the sanction of the Political parties.

I am also sending you my various books on this subject.

Trusting you my will lend an ear to my suggestions.

I remain Yours most respectfully,

Johannes C.Barolin

Dr.Sunyatsen,Honorable President of the United State of China,Nanking.


维也纳 7区阿波罗格斯 3号,1912年1月16日












约翰尼斯·巴罗林 敬上
