法兰西斯·史蒂文森(Francis B.Stevenson)致孙中山函 (1912年1月17日)


January 17, 1912

Hon. Sun Yat Sen President,Nanking, China.

Dear Sir:

Permit me to most heartily congratulate you on the successof the revolution and your election as the great office of president of the great new Republic of China.As of the great republic of the west, greet with cheers our new great sister, Republic of the East.We have loved China as an Empire, we love her now as a Republic.Three things we wish you might do for China.

1.Maintain the wising policy as to opium until its finally success.

2.Establish a similar policy as to intoxicants, tobacco and especially as to the cigarette.For intoxicants and cigarettes to gain a foothold in China would be to more than neutralize all the good results of the prohibitory policy as to opium, so ample noisily inaugurated and so near to culmination in success.And we assure you that we are preparing to inaugurate a movement here that will result in the destruction of the traffic in intoxicants, opium, morphine, cocaine, cigarettes etc.The great damage to China and the oriental countries lies in the fact that when the traffic in the habit forming drugs is destroyed in the Occident, as it bids fair fair to be in the near future, those whom greed of your worth to engage in such traffic will more on the the exploitation of the oriental nations.And those who have been the victims of the opium habit will fall an easy prey to the other habit forming drugs unless you have protect them from the traffic by prohibition.

3.A third thing we wish that you might do is to establish a colonization of your people into Manchuria in such numbers as to save that great and rich province to the Chinese empire and people.You may think it strange that we should be interested in that, but we are.Manchurian belongs to China and China needs those broad and rich areas to feed her people.

Aside from the above we wish yourself and the Chinese Republic all physical, mental, moral and spiritual prosperity and send you greetings of prayers and cheers for the success of your administration of the affairs of the great new Sunrise Republic of the East.

Very fraternally yours,

Francis B.Stevenson

Pastor Presbyterian Church










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