《中国饥荒赈救》报道 (1912年1月18日)



The Central China Famine Relief Committee is hard at work devising ways and means towards a permanent solution of the famine problem in Central China.In this work it is enlisting the support of everybody whose practical experience or advice is likely to be in the least degree useful.At present the political situation makes it difficult to do much, but preparations are being made for aggressive work as soon as order and peace are restored in the affected area.In the meantime what can be done is being done.During the past month Professor Bailie of Nanking, who has the combined advantages of a thorough knowledge of China, its people and its language,wide business experience in the country, and tactical knowledge of colonization and agricultural problems in North America, has put forward a scheme for the permanent relief of famine refugee families.

The following brief explanation of the scheme is condensed from a letter dated 17th December from Mr.Bailie to the Central China Relief Committee.

A tract of land is to be cleared, drained and prepared for dry farming by famine refugee labors working in gangs under supervision.

The men employed on this work will be closely watched and the land being ready, a selection from them will be made of the most suitable who, together with their families, will be put in tentative occupation of farms of from twenty to fifty mow in area with the prospect, it they prove industrious and honest, of becoming in the first place the settled tenants and secondly of being able to add to the original area.

Their families are to be assisted till the first crop is harvested and thereafter are expected to support themselves and in addition to pay taxes sufficient to meet any government tax on the property as a whole and interest on the money expended on giving them their start until the latter is repaid.

There is provision to enable the tenants to pay a large portion of these taxes in labour instead of cash in case the latter should be found too heavy a burden at the start.

The sum expended would be a first charge on the farm so that they would be secured against a defaulting tenant until such time as the money is repaid, which would be done by progressive installments.

An area of two hundred mow or thereabouts is to be retained by the Management of the Colony and worked as an experimental and model farm.

The numerous excellent points of the scheme briefly outlined above may be summarized thus:

(1)—Permanent betterment of the families settled on the farms.

(2)—Provision of useful labour for famine refugees.

(3)—Gradual removal of families from are as liable to famine as the scheme develops.

(4)—Consequent increase in the general prosperity of district dealt with.

Having carefully considered Mr.Bailie's letter, the Central China Famine Relief Committee at a meeting on 22nd December passed the following resolution:

Resolved:that the Secretary should correspond with Mr.Bailie to the following effect:

1.—That thisCommittee cordially supports the idea of settling one hundred refugee families on land as outlined in Mr.Bailie's letter.

2.—That for the support of one hundred families whilst the land is being prepared and for implements, etc.,this Committee hereby votes the sum of $5,000.00.

No money, however, is to be paid till the Committee has evidence that the land has been procured and the scheme can be proceeded with.

Mr.Bailie estimates that a sum of $2,000.00 will put him in a position to satisfy the Committee in terms of the above quoted resolution and it is to obtain this sum or as much as possible that a Gala Performance at the Shanghai Lyceum on 12th February is being arranged.

The sum obtained will be handed over to the Central China Famine Relief Committee earmarked for this special purpose and will thus be absolutely safeguarded.

Anybody interested in this scheme,which is here only briefly outlined, can obtain further information from any member of the Committee, who will be very pleased indeed to receive any such enquiries.

The eleventh list of subscriptions issued by the Committee shews totals of $54,787.06 and Tls.77,683.23 received for the general fund, subscriptions to which may be sent either to the Treasurer, Central China Famine Relief Committee; or to the International Banking Corporation, Shanghai.






















这里只是简要概述, 任何对该计划感兴趣的人,可以从义赈会的任何成员那里获得进一步资料,他们将非常高兴收到任何此类问询。
