弗兰克·约尼克(Frank Jonnochy)致孙中山函 (1912年1月19日)


Shanghai, 19th January, 1912

Hon.Dr.Sun Yat Sen,President United States of China,Nanking.


Being a follower of your movements & a constant believer that you would some day attain you and allow me, through the medium of this, to congratulate you, for the honor the Chinese people has done you in electing you their first President!

I am the son of the late Hon Malcolm Struan Tonnochy, an official in the Hongkong civil service for upwards of twenty years.During his time of service, he held the position of Acting Governor of Hongkong, Cap.of police, Harbor Master, post master, etc.,etc.,and my mother was a poor & simple Cantonese Lady.

I am now working in Shanghai as a Private Detective & Inquiry Agent for the last two years, & owing to the depression in trade, my preference is not so creative now, & I beg, that you would be kind enough to give me a position under your government for what ever pay; I am quite willing to work as a clerk, spy, inquiring agent,interpreter, or even go to the seat of hostilities in whatever capacity.

I am a linguist, speaking English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Cantonese & a little northern dialects.

Should you give me a position, face may be rest arrived that I will do everything in my favor to give you entire satisfaction even if I have to face death.

H.E.Wu Ting Fang, Dr.He Kai, & Dr.Lan Chi Lien (of 35 north Sovchow Road)knew me well, & there will be very little bother for me to obtain a recommendation from one of them.

I trusting you will live long to enjoy the trust and honor repose on you by both Chinese & foreigners alike.And wish the hope of soon hearing from you.

Believe me to be, sir,Your most loyal & humble servant,

Frank Jonnochy

C/O Mr.M.H.Rocha,The British Post office,Shanghai, China.












弗兰克·约尼克 敬呈
