杨高(Geo.Young)致孙中山函 (1912年1月20日)


2nd Floor,72, Hollywood Road,Hong Kong, 20th January, 1912

Honored Sir,

I understand that, Mr.Woo Ghi On is coming up to Nanking shortly and I take this opportunity to offer my heartiest congratulations for your election to the presidency of our lasting Republic.May success crown all you undertakings.

The above gentleman, you will no doubt remember, is closely related to us by the friendship, he entered into with my late father and I have entrusted him with such information as on require concerning my present condition & so forth.

I have not had the pleasure of seeing you although I heard very much, and I hope that at first sight of my letter you will extend to me the favour which you did to my late father, the late Young Ku Wan.

I am,Yours obediently,







杨高 谨上