斯莱特夫人(Mrs.Slater)致孙中山函 (1912年1月21日)


1424, Woodland Drive,Grand View,Vancouver,B.C.,January 21st, 1912

Dr.Sun Yat Sen.

Dear Sir,

I hope this will find you and that you can read it.I hear you are a Christian, I am so glad to hear this, I am a Christian lady.I have been to church today, and heard our minister speak of you in public.He said what will it mean to China's millions if Dr.Sun Yat-sen is their leader.So I want to say to you, do not resign.I will pray that you may take the mind of government, you are the only right one.We in Canada, and all the English are watching and hoping you will, we want to see China wise from the dust of ages, and take her place among the nations of the earth & do not let other nations interfere, and we hope peace with honor will come.God bless your republic is the earnest wish of my heart.

Yours Truly,


Please let me know your decision.






斯莱特夫人 谨上
