那文(Robert S.Norman)致孙中山函 (1912年1月22日)


San Francisco, January 22, 1912.

His Excellency Dr.Sun Yat Sen,President Republic of China,Nanking, China.

Dear Sir:

As a means of introduction I beg to recall to you, that, retained by Mr.Tong King Chong of the Chinese Free Press I acted as your attorney some years ago when the local immigration officials unjustly refused you londing, and that I had the pleasure and satisfaction of obtaining from the Department in Washington a decision establishing your right to land on account of your previous Hawaiian residence and citizenship.

As a life long friend of Mr.Tong King Chong, and as an ardent sympathizer with the new Chinese government and deeply interested in the future welfare of the new republic and its relation to our own I respectfully submit as follows:

I am desirous of entering the consular service, and latter, if my work should justify it the diplomatic service of the new republic.I realize full well that others on account of their greater experience and the sacrifices which they have mate in the revolutionary cause, have more substantial claims than I.On the other hand I am not asking for any high post but would be highly gratified to receive such position with the San Francisco consulate to be established as would enable me to prove to you and to your government that I am capable and trustworthy enough to fill more important appointments.

I am well aware that at present no substantial reward can be expected and that only in time to come will loyal service be rewarded.

As to personal data I recall to you that I have a good lucrative law practice and a first class standing in every way.I studied abroad, am fully conversant with two other languages besides my own, have travelled a great deal, cosmopolitan in my views and habits with a natural inclination and adaptability (as I believe)for the service in question.

I gave up practicing before the Immigration Bureau years ago, but my experience gained is still fresh and the fact that I am not handling immigration cases will give me a better standing with the authorities in case the immigration question will come up for negotiation, as no selfish motive can be attributed to me in dealing with the question.

The immigration question will be an important one and will have to be delicately and tactfully handled, but other momentous far reaching questions will arise which will equally require tact, delicacy, knowledge and general competence.

To bring the two republics closely together to establish a strong bond between them is a high ideal but it can be reached by intelligent, patient and loyal work.

Should conditions not be ripe for the establishment or the consulate I should be glad to serve you in any other capacity than indicated.

I would greatly appreciate it if you would send me a frankly written letter in reply, which would be of course sacredly confidential; Tong King Chong would vouch for that.Whatever your answer may be my high regard and admiration for you will not in the least be diminished.

Be good enough to accept my best wishes for you and the republic, and believe me.

Faithfully yours,

Robert S.Norman
















那文 谨志