林正良致孙中山函 (1912年1月24日)


No.110, Stornachi, Kobe,Japan,24st January, 1912

His Excellency President Sun Yat-sen,White House, Nanking, Republic of China.

Dear Sir,

Although I have hitherto had on honour of being known by your Excellency, I have always had a great sympathy with the Revolutionists of your Excellency's courtry, and always wishes their success, as majority of our people did.

Now I have taken the liberty to ask permission of your Excellency to make undermentioned suggestions as to early settlement of the pending dispute; because it really makes me feel uneasiness when I consider that the Revolutionary Government will have to waste a great deal of money as well as time by delay of settlement, while commercial and industrial losses of your Excellency's country on considerably heavy; and specially when I think about meddling of powers, I feel urgent necessity of available conduction of the present disturbance.The meddling by powers is likely to be brought forth first by Russia's movement in Mongolia.Should Russia gain supremacy over Mongolia, Britain will ask same of Tibet, Germany of Shantung, France of Yunnan, Japan also may claim same of Manchuria, and all other powers may follow similar steps.Such will came much greater disturbance of China.I have, therefore, decided to venture to express my opinion before your Excellency as below.

It is already out of question to decide in the national assembly whether to adopt the constitutional monarchy or the Republic; because it is quite evident that more than 80% of the whole nation of great China are supporters of the latter government, which fact, I consider, is already acknowledged by the powers.But the following proposals may draw attention of the Peking Government, and let them agree to establishment of the Republic, viz:

(1)That to divide Manchuria, Mongolia, Tibet and Turkistan into number of States, and appoint present Mongolian and Manchurian princes as the Governors of these states, which may be called “North China Republic”, and let the Emperor be the Governor General of the North China, if he likes it, and afford them Rights of self-administration to certain extent.

(2)To make those Mongolia princes, who are chiefly opposing to organization of Republic, understand well that, if they establish an independent country or stand under protection of Russia, they shall be surely placed as 3nd class or even inferior nation in the world, and they shall be unable to enjoy more liberty than at present—it is evident their position shall become worse than at present.But, if they join the Republic, these is every prospect of their being brought up among the first class powers, before long.

I think that their opposition against Republic shall be chiefly due to their fear of losing their position or livelihood.On their being appointed to be the Governor, each Governor should have a rice-governor, who would be your Excellency's own man and will actually manage the affairs of the States.The principal officials as well as commander and majority of officers (and of soldiers if possible)of troops in garrisons of each State should be Revolutionists.The above mentioned governors shall be, of course, placed under control of the central government.On occasion of reaction they may lose their positions, but any of them may become the President in future.

I hope, meantime, that your Excellency will declare to the Powers that the Revolutionary Government will take necessary measures to get uniformity of coinage, measures and scales, which have been left so irregularly under Manchurian Government, and have been checking development of Trade in China, causing not a little inconvenience to the commercial people living in China.I consider such an announcement shall be surely pleased by the Powers.

I have still many suggestions I wish to make, if I am allowed; but I will not mention them meantime, as I think it may be useless to do so, because I suppose there will be many of intelligent well-learned gentlemen among your Excellency's staffs.

The above suggestions, which I have taken liberty to make of, may appear worthless, or rather foolish, to your Excellency; because my opinion is entirely based upon the knowledge I acquired from the news published in papers, and I may be far too ignorant of seal condition of things.But, as I am very anxious to see satisfactory settlement of the dispute and establishment of a beautiful Republic of the United States of China.I have boldly taken this liberty, trusting that your Excellency would be kind enough so allow me to do so.

Hoping your Excellency's good health and early settlement of the disturbance.

I am, Dear Sir,Very respectfully yours,


P.S.In case they are not satisfied with the positions of Governors; best thing to give them is Dynamite.
















林正良 敬上
