蒙塔古·哈里斯(Montagu Harris)致孙中山函 (1912年1月24日)


4-B Peking Road, SHANGHAI,24th January, 1912.


I desire to apply to you for an Administrative Post under the Chinese Government.I have as you will see from the enclosed Articles written and spoken for a long time in favour of Chinese Republican ideas.In fact my article in the China Press appeared three weeks before the Revolution.

My father was a gentleman of independent means, and on my mother's side two of my relatives Sir Benjamin Faudel Philips and Sir George Faudel Philips have been Lord Mayors of London, one relative Lord Pirbright was a Cabinet Minister and another is Lord Burnham the present proprietor of the Daily Telegraph in London.

I was educated at Harrow School in England and at Christ Church, Oxford, where I graduated in 1898, I read Honour History and Classics.I have been educated also in France and speak French as well as English and was at the German university of Heidelberg and can speak fluent German.I can speak Malay as fluently as English and a certain amount of Japanese.I think that with a further six months in Japan I could talk fluent Japanese.

I am a Barrister at Law of the Inner Temple and my proposer as member of the Barwas Mr.Justice Bray one of the Judges at the present time presiding over the Supreme Court in England.

I have written several articles on the Chinese Law which appeared in the Mercury newspaper on the 25th and 29th June 1910 and on the 5th, 12th and 19th July.

I am in no way connected with missionaries nor with the commercial interests of the place so that I am entirely without religious prejudices and am not at all likely to be made a tool of financial cliquess.

If you can see your way to appoint me to some post under the Government, I think you will find me as useful as Dr.John Fergussen or Dr.Gilbert Reid, the latter of whom is not inaptly known as the “High priest of the Teapot” and is the moving genius of the celebrated Ladies Teacup Club.

If you will consent to see me I shall be very much honored to call upon you.I have followed your career with interest from the day when you were arrested in London and taken to the Chinese Legation and you may rely that if you appoint me to any post near your person I will support you in good times and bad with unswerving fidelity.

I am, Sir,Your humble & obedient servant,

Montagu Harris


Dr.Sun Yat Sen,President of the Republic of China.












蒙塔古·哈里斯 谨上
