格林(O.M.Green)致孙中山函 (1912年1月29日)



January 29, 1912.

Dear Dr.Sun Wen:

My friend Mr.Kennedy informs me that he has received a letter from the Associated Press correspondent in Nanking who is also Reuter's correspondent, stating that he has found that an attempt is being made in the Yamen to refuse him news, end as far as he can ascertain the reason is that Mr.Kennedy is suspected of having given a mutilated account of the statement that you made touching the negotiations with Yuan Shih-kai,and also of having written or inspired a report that appeared today a week ago in our columns of lack of order and discipline among the soldiers in Nanking.

Now with reference to the statement made by you, the circumstances were these:Mr.Kennedy gave me that statement, but he did not understand, nor did I, that you proposed that it should go in verbatim, and for the ordinary reasons of space added to the fact that we were also printing your telegram to Dr.Wu Ting-fang just below, I summarized the whole statement myself.At the end of it I added a further statement with regard to what I was informed here had been proposed on your initiative in the course of the peace negotiations.But this last paragraph, which appears at the top of the first column on page 8 of our issue of January 24, had absolutely nothing to do with Mr.Kennedy whatever, and to the best of my memory he never knew that it was going to appear or anything like it until he saw it in the paper.

Secondly with reference to the brief account of disorder among the troops in Nanking appearing in our issue of Monday, January 22; for these also I give you my personal assurance that Mr.Kennedy had no responsibility whatever.My informant was a men who, as stated in the paragraph, has lived in Nanking continuously for some considerable time and only left it at the last moment before the siege after which he returned.Even then, I probably should not have published what he told me but that I found a change in his opinions from being very strongly pro-revolutionary to being, I will not say anti-revolutionary, but at least critical of many things that he saw in daily life.

To sum up, you will see from this that I have been dealing with two sources of information, both totally distinct from Mr.Kennedy, and that he had nothing to do with what appeared in the paper on these two subjects, except for your statement which he gave me in full, as I believe it was passed by you, but which I myself quite innocently summarized.I cannot, of course, disclose the names of my informants, but I feel that nothing more than my personal assurance will be needed to convince you that Mr.Kennedy had no share in anything but what I have said.

I have written this explanation to you in fairness to him and must apologize for the length of it.My main object is to clear Mr.Kennedy of any suspicion of having acted treacherously by you, but may I add that I feel sure you will recognize the unwisedom of any efforts to block the channels of information of two such agencies as the Associated Press and Reuter.

Believe me,

Yours faithfully,O.M.Green










编辑O.M.格林 敬上