普瑞斯(G.A.Prins)致孙中山函 (1912年2月1日)


Netherland,Post and Telegraph Office,Eijsden,1st-2-1912

Most honorable Sir,

Please Sir, will be so kind to permit me the liberty of proceeding myself to you by this way.My name is Prins G.A., director of the post and telegraph office at Eijsden in Netherland in the province of Limburg.I am a native of Sumatra (Dutch India)where my father was officer.I am married with a German lady and both we have the age of 40 years about—no children.

What do I want now Sir I should like to inform you as the Reformer of the Chinese Empire if in that country was to find a future for me.I always hoped hitherto to find my sphere of activity in a climate not so rough as here in Holland.I have much travelled through a great part of the world, have the fore the privilege to can speak and write the German and French languages.

Perhaps I ask you some thing impossible and you answer me, that the time has not come yet, but honorable sir, my judgment says me, a man like you and a little happiness in the fate for me, could perhaps help me to get a future in your native country and perhaps the new government could make use of a Dutchman like I, for his administration.I should be very very thankful to receive any answer of you.It may be soon or late.May I have the honor to send you inclosed our photography.

Please, most honorable Sir, pardon me, I begged to inform you, but who is more capable to answer me.You can always take your information of me how I am known in my administration here in Netherland.

I am happy to can say that I only wish to leave Netherland, because I have a great desire for my native land, the far orient, an art of homesickness.In our India is not a place for me, then you know we have there already in regular administration.I know that China is not Sumatra—I know that I shall not find there the paradise on earth—but notwithstanding I should give my best strength to make me useful in your new government if you can have enough confidence in me.

My judgment says now that the government wants men that give shoulders for the general cultivation of China, and so perhaps a Dutch postmaster could make himself useful.

With the most respects Honorable Sir, hoping of an answer with the beneficence.

 Post director





先生,请允许我冒昧写信,我叫 G.A.普瑞斯,是荷兰林堡省艾斯登市邮电局局长。我是苏门答腊(荷属印度)人。我父亲是地方军官。我和一位德国女士结了婚,我们40岁了,没有孩子。








邮政局长 普瑞斯