大卫·弗里曼(David Freeman)致孙中山函 (1912年2月2日)



9, Court of Justice,Kuala Lumpur,Selangor, Federated Malay States, 2nd February, 1912


You may perhaps remember meeting me about four years ago in the Chinese Miners Association, at Seremban and subsequently at Kuala Lumpur.

I had then much talk with you as to the future, and I am writing to express my humble congratulations on the success that has at last crowned your strenuous efforts, and to arose you that in Kuala Lumpur—as I believed in England—you have sympathizers & supporters who are not all Chinese.

My friend Dr.S.C.Yin of Singapore has written to me of his interview with you when passing through that place recently.May I venture to add my hope to his that the movement which has started under rich fortunate auspices may not fail through a too speedy endeavor to accomplish a change that must take some years to be permanent.

If I am not presumption, may I add that many of your sincere England advisers fear that the new regime may in its zeal for reform copy the faults of western civilizations, instead of merely assimilating those advantages—worthy materials—that are capable of being grafted with success on your own and essentially different civilization.

Our social system in England and world all over Europe is so bad that there can be no doubt that the great bulk of our populations lived under happier conditions 200 years ago.Your friend fear that there may be introduced into China the horrible manufacturing system that has made Lancashire, Yorkshire, & the much country full of towns where the majority of the inhabitants are merely machines for making money—for other people.

Our dress, expensive, ugly, & unhealthy is the last thing that you should copy, and I earnestly hope that you officials will always on state occasions wear the dignified & beautiful robes, that I admired when attending the International Opium Commission at Shanghai a few years ago.

Our religion—we are ceasing to believe in ourselves.More elements of truth worldly contains one common to all the great ethical religions.Gautama Bhudda is for Asia what Jesus Christ is—or was—to ours for Europe.A nation that was a civilized nation when my ancestors were barbarians cannot without the prevent spiritual loss replace Confucius after for two thousand years having followed him with benefit.

Above all, do not give foreign concerns for mines, railways, harbours &.Do not except very the extremest necessity raise foreign loans.First the loan holder; then the gun-boat of the loan holder's government will follow.You have an example in the rejects against the use by your troops of the Tientsin-Hankow railway.

In this connection may I venture to call your attention to the letter written by the late Herbert Spencer to the Japanese Reformer—(the late Count Ito I think )that appeared in the Times after his death.It was written in the 1870's, in that letter, he warned the Japanese to view with the prevent suspicious any attempt by Europeans to establish themselves in Japan & he specially mentioned the holding of law & the working of mines.To his advice the Japanese understand largely over their independence to saving followed it.What a small nation can do, China can also.

In writing these, I am not anti-patriotic, I know the greed of our modern system of competition & finance.It has no conscience & knows no country.It has Europe & America in its grasp.Do not let it get a hold in China, for our sakes as well as yours.

In writing thus I am conscious that I may have committed some breach of etiquette, if so trust that my good intentions may excuse me.

May you be as successful as honour & more happy than every year.In any case you have & will have the sympathy & respect of all friends of liberty & proper the world over.

I am, sir,Yours obedient servant,

David Freeman

















大卫·弗里曼 敬上