谢缵业(Tse Tsan Ip)致孙中山函 (1912年2月2日)


Shanghai, 2nd February, 1912

President Sun Yat Sin,Nanking.


I have the honour to inform you, that for the last week or so, I have been negotiating with Dr.Chen Chin Tao, through his representative Mr.Hsu (徐恩元)regarding the sale of the Chinese Republican Bonds.

My intention is to go to the Straits and Australia & I am waiting to hear from Messes 张弼士, 张鸿南, 陆佑 & others if they will promise me to underwrite a certain amount.These friends of mine are all millionaires and I feel confident that they will be able to do a great deal.When our syndicate was working to obtain the concession for the Canton Macao Railway, last year, Messes Chang Be Shi & Luk Yow put up 12 million dollars cash (Chang 8 millions & Luk 4 millions).At my last interview, I was told that I must undertake to underwrite a certain amount & put up security, but I could not be told definitely, what kind of security was needed.I therefore wrote a private letter to Mr.Chen Chin Tao, which brought me the reply, a copy of which I beg to enclose herewith.If my friends down South agree to back me up, I should think a wire from them to the Minister of Finance would be sufficient.If this cannot be arranged, then I shall be compelled to abandon my idea, unless I can obtain support from some other quarter.

I also made another suggestion, (copy of which is enclosed herewith)to Mr.Hsu, which of course, has met with the same fate.Cannot some arrangement of this kind be made so as to allow one to go abroad on speculation? So long as a person goes at his own risk & travelling expenses, and has no chance to handle any money on Bonds and must, within a stipulated time, secure a certain amount of sales, I do not see that there is any danger.Of course, if the Government sees that the bonds can be disposed of, without any outside assistance of this kind, that settles the question.My friend believes that if he is provided with the necessary authority, he could easily raise £1,000,000 amongst the Jewish financiers in America, and he is prepared to leave Shanghai in 24 hours notice.

Will you kindly offer me your support in the above propositions, if it is possible?

Thanking you in anticipation.

I have the honor to be,Sir,Your Obedient Servant,

Tse Tsan Ip.









谢缵业 敬呈