麦考密克(Frederick McCormick)致孙中山函 (1912年2月6日)


The China Monuments Society


Nanking,February 6th, 1912

President Sun Yat-sen,Provisional Government,Nanking.

My Dear President,

Among the influences capable of rendering great aid to China in conserving the rights and interests of the people are those exercised by the innumerable men of science and learning who are more and more extending, knowledge of China, and the merits and problems of the Chinese people.As the founder of the Society, and worker in the promotion of a knowledge of China in my own country, the United states, I have come from New York, and Peking to see you about one or two present practical matters.

If you have time to see me now I wish to call on you and ask you about them.

Yours Truly,

Frederick McCormick


南京, 1912年2月6日



能在维护人民权利和利益方面对中国有巨大帮助的,是那些无数具备科学知识、且愈来愈多地了解中国及中国人民疾苦的人所施加的影响。作为这一社团指The China Monuments Society,即中国古物保存会。的创始人,做为一个在我的国家美利坚合众国推广中国知识的人,我从纽约、北京来见您,请教目前一两个现实问题。


麦考密克 谨呈