President Sun,Nanking.
As the duty of a citizen of the Republic of China under your leadership, I beg most humbly to submit to you the following:
My humble Opinion of Yuan Shi-kai
Since the starting or the civil war, Mr.Yuan has from all points of view been trying to indirectly help our cause.This can be proved by his firm policy of continued armistice and immediate recognition or the Nationalists at Wuchang under General Li as a belligerent power.This gives us time to prepare and develop and strength.That he is working as a mouthpiece for the Manchus is to indirectly give us facilities and success.
Police Administration
To keep peace and order satisfactorily, a strong force of Police is absolutely necessary.But it must be admitted that efficiency of Police depends more on systematic organization than on number of men.The fact that the English Police are the most efficient is not due to that the English employ more men than other peoples but is merely due to their emphasis on system and discipline.Thus, by system the Municipal Council can tell what the Captain Superintendent of Police is doing; the Captain Superintendent of Police, what the Inspector is doing; the Inspector, what the Sergeant is doing; the Sergeant, what the Constable is doing; the Constable, what the civilian is doing.By discipline observation of proper and neat dress by men on duty, and immediate assistance to scene of occurrence, are specially emphasized.
I shall suggest that the young Republic will follow the English system in training the Police Forces and the best way to acquire such training is to follow with some revision the system adopted by the English Police in the Shanghai Settlement.This Police, although headed by the British subjects, has been practically under Chinese handling; its system as compared with that of others in foreign countries is more suited for Chinese, because it is specially organized for protecting Chinese.I am able to carry out its system and discipline, and will submit to you the particulars when desired.
The existing National Police Forces in China, so far as I can prove, are in cradle condition and cannot be improved unless the heads of departments be specially trained or men of real qualification be employed to take their places.That they are not fitted can be proved in two ways, namely, externally and internally.Externally they do not have systematic ways to patrol beats; uniform men in an improper condition and not complete uniform are allowed to go on duty; gossiping and idling by men on duty are a common thing; willfully deposing garbage and causing obstructions by civilians in the streets are allowed to remain as they are; vehicles in unserviceable condition are allowed to traffic; cases of cruelty to animals men on duty do not take notice; the Inspector will not patrol unless accompanied by a good many of his men; in short, they are not worthy to be called Policemen.Internally they do not keep special books for special proposes, the Inspectors will not send in regular returns unless requested by the Headquarters; the prisoners names and numbers are not entered in a special book but simply marked on board, there are foreign educated doctor to regularly visit the cells; the cells are in continually filthy condition and there are no regular visits for checking prisoners by men in charge; the heads of departments are tabular head sand are allowed to manage finance and all sorts of public works and cannot do anything in reality; the Inspectors are allowed to issue proclamations; men may get sick leave without being certified by doctors; the civilians may be charged by custom; money may be received on bail without receipts; the station and adjoining buildings are as dirty and noisy as an ordinary Chinese family; there is no proper system for coll acting Municipal taxes, in short, they are lack of the spirit as a Police Force.Their training institute, under the charge of a Taotai, is a wasting money idea; it will quite do better and less expensive if a well-trained senior Sergeant is in charge detailed by the Chief Constable.Their instruction books copied from Japanese works without being materially revised, can only give men a few dry rules.However, all the defects will be remedied if men with experience and practical knowledge of Police secrets are engaged to direct.
National religion
Of the various reform which are to be carried out in China, to establish an enlightened National Religion is of utmost import.To this I shall suggest that Christianity according to Protestantism be recognized as our National Religion, which will, from my experience and view, make Chinese indirectly united and enlightened as White men.This can be effected in various ways, but, for instance, say these three ways:(1)let all schools provide Sunday service and a course in theology; (2)let papers be given free touching the importance of the Christianity for developing the welfare of a nation, and describing how Western Nations converted from heathenism to Christianity and from Christianity became civilized and united;(3)let street lectures be given to the same effect, adding how foolish a man is to be enslaved by old custom in rendering homage to poly-gods and various dead heroes in modern days and such foolish superstition is inconsistent with civilization.If procedures like these be carried out, three years then from circumstances the people can be urged to convert their temples into chapels.Meanwhile those living on the proceeds of duping people by means of various nefarious superstitious methods shall be provided honest living.
The reason that the Christianity is best suited for China and her people is due to the fact that it teaches men to be God-fearing and love for society, and has sound system as a religion.Confucianism, although being enriched with the highest kind of moral principles, contains too much imperialism and can only make men imaginary and conservative and selfish.This has been proved by our history and also by the senior official classes of the Manchu Government.Confucianism also has no system as a religion; his believers are often misled by old custom in rendering and promoting poly god and image worships.
In China, a constant unity is very necessary; to affect this unity, only Christianity is possible.Christianity, with its regular system and the teaching of men only second to God the creator of the universe, will make men enterprising and progressive; it has been really the source of civilization.
Young China wishes to get real civilization; I wish that that civilization be built on Christianity as White men mostly do.
Commercial Training
It is a pity that Chinese businessmen, in spite of having been years influenced by foreign merchant, are still mostly in favor of their thousands years old methods in commerce.They never try to find out why we Chinese cannot carry out a worldwide business in China, why our sons cannot do better than we did or why we cannot do better than our forefathers did, or why we cannot do equally well as foreigners do.The reason is obvious.This is, they do not want to get practical commercial and industrial training; they do not want to believe the development of business on a permanent basis depending more on practical system than on honesty of employees.If they can realize these points, they can start now very easily:they can cause their unions contributed funds to send some of their fellow business men to abroad to study their respective trade and work, and on their return can organize schools, that those having contributed the funds or their apprentices may get trained.It has been very foolish to waste the funds of the unions in annual joss and theatrical performances.If they will awake now, they will in a decade make our country the greatest productive country in the world.It indeed will be far better if the leading merchants can change their attitude from anti-foreign goods to promoting the policy of progressively imitating foreign goods and sending men abroad to learn manufacture of the most popular things we want.
Why the businessmen have been, and are, so backward and so conservative can be summed up in oneword that is too long enslaved by the superstitious custom.
Owing to pressure of work, I beg to close my letter.I can assure you that the few suggestions and criticisms given in the foregoing lines are facts.I was one of the British Army Intelligence General Staffs in Tientsin before joining the Shanghai Police.I write to you in English instead of Chinese, because cannot perform beautiful Chinese characters.
Pardon my rendering you such trouble.
I am,Your obedient servant
黄镇英 谨叩
K NO 517, Boone Road, Shanghai,Feb/10th, 1912
黄镇英 谨叩