H.B.M.Consular Gaol,Shanghai,Feb.12nd, 1912.
Address in Australia.Miss M.E.Molloy,Jarwin, S.Gippeland,Vicoria, Australia.
To Dr.Sun Yat-Sen,President, the Provisional Republic Government of China.
On behalf of Miss Sears and myself permit me to address an appeal to you regarding the Foreign Policy of the great country which in the providence of God you have been called to take a greatest place in ruling at this crisis.
Our right to appeal is simply this—we have dedicated our lives to God in China, whether for service or for sacrifice as He shall Choose.We have toiled for your people for love's sake and given up all, even our position and allowance as missionaries of the Church Missionary Society in order to get nearer to them, and teach them to trust a living All-Sufficient God.Now we are about to go into voluntary excile (voluntary, because a simple promise to yield to things as they are would set us free), as a protest against the wrong connection between missionaries and policies in China.You who have suffered exile from the land you love should haven understand what this means.
Our appeal is that in forming new China's Foreign Policy some alteration shall be made, which will provide for missionaries registering as citizens anywhere with equal rights with your other subjects, as is proposed for the Manchus, and with no political connection with the home government of their own countries.
H.E.Chang Chih-tung was right when he said, “a missionary in China shall have no nationality but the Kingdom of Heaven, and no Consul but the Lord Jesus Christ”.If we lay down our lives for China by slow degrees or by one sight act what has that to do with foreign powers and polities? Yet it has been made the occasion of trouble to your country, and dishonor to the name of Him, who gave “His life a ransom for many”, and bode us follow in His steps.Why should we claim treaty rights and extra-territorial privileges wrung from China by jesuitical and land-grabbing politicians? We hope to live to see China's treaties with Foreign Powers throungly revised.Why should the messenger of the Lord of hosts trust in foreign consuls and gunboats for protection? A…be arrested, bound, ill-treated, robbed, imprisoned and exiled by these name “protectors”, who resent any trust in God that seems to take for their authority.
We have hadpositively no friction with the authorities all these years in China until now.We have appreciated the difficult position in which foreign and Chinese authorities are placed, and cannot blame them for wishing to call missionaries in from possible danger when foreign governments hold them responsible in the missionaries' lives, but we affirm this state of things should no longer existed.In our case there has been personal persecution and a striving up of the Chinese officials against us, but that is unimportant, expect as it seems to accentuate greatly the wrong condition of affairs, when an unscrupulous man being in power can keep missionaries out of the interior by refusing them passports, and drive them out of the ports by ruin free by the perversion of a statute for dealing with foreigners who misconduct themselves, and excite to a head of the public peace by their unlawful actions.
We have broken no law, for we have it on the authority of the chief judge of H.B.M's Supreme Court for China that there is no law that consular orders must be obeyed.If there were such a law consuls would have more power in their sphere than the Czar of Russia.
We write trusting you will give the whole matter your careful consideration, and be prepared to take action when the opportunity permits itself.
We expect to sail for Melbourne,Australia, by the S.S.“Eastern” due to leave Shanghai on 15th inst.We intend to take steps to get indication, and to appeal to H.B.M's.Sce.of State for foreign affairs, London.If we do not get justice, we are prepared to protest to the fullest extent by returning to Shanghai to suffer imprisonment and re-deportation.The battle is not for ourselves, but for God and China.
I am, sir,Yours faithfully in Him for China,
Margaret E.Molloy