范约翰(J.M.W.Farnham)致孙中山函 (1912年2月13日)

 范约翰(J.M.W.Farnham,1829—1917),清心男塾、女塾创办人,《小孩月报》创刊人,美国北长老会传 教士。


Shanghai, Feb. 13th,1912

To the President of the Republic of China,Nanking.

Dear Sir,

Many of your friends here loyal to you and your government think there is a plenty of money in China (as much as ever)and that the Government need not at this time seek to borrow of foreigners but that the Chinese would be willing and glad to show their faith in the New Government and love for it by taking the loan themselves.I enclose a photograph of the bonds you have sold five years ago and suggest that similar bonds be prepared with a promise of say 10 percent interest and sold throughout all the provinces, and thus obtain sums all the way up from $1.00 to thousands from your willing and faithful citizens.

In less than a year you can raise on 4 percent.foreign loans any amount you require.I recently saw that the Japanese public debt amounts to more than two billion and a half dollars if I mistake not and England has a very heavy debt.Once the country is all under your rule, you can get all you want, and no doubt it will be a wise policy to borrow as much as you need till the New Republic is well set up on a good foundation which I devoutly hope will be very soon.

Yours most respectfully,








范约翰 敬上