梅根(A.J.Meighan)致孙中山函 (1912年2月13日)


Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb.13, 1912

To His Excellency President Sun Yat Sin,China.

Dear Sir:

I wish to state to you about two months ago I sent a registered letter to your then acting Secretary of Foreign affairs; stating to him that I had a draft of a Constitution all written up;one of the most advanced systems of Republican Government on the Globe, and covering all phazes of Popular Government; also that I would go down to your country to aid and assist you in every way possible to get a stable Government established.I have not received an answer from him up to date.

What I wish to state to your excellency is this; that if your Government will defray my expenses down to your country, and back, and a reasonable enumeration for my time, I will go down there, and go all over this case with you; and also give your Generals some hints in regards to the movements of your Army; or I well act as one of your special Envoys here in Washington, and try to have this Government recognize your Republic.I would prefer first to have a personal interview, so you and I could have a thorough understanding as to what to do, and how to go about it.There is a great many things to be considered in a case of this kind.

Hoping to hear from you in regard to this matter at an early date.

I am, Dear Sir,Yours very sincerely,


5208-5 am.,Brooklyn, N.Y.,U.S.A.








A.J.梅根 敬上
