德萨格(E.L.de Sarge)致孙中山函 (1912年2月14日)


217-5 Queen Street,Singapore,14th Feb., 1912

Dear President Sun,

I am really proud of you as a senior member of an College of medicine at Hong Kong.Hitherto this College has been little known but your very great success in life has turned the whole world to this little College which is known to be incorporated with the Hong Kong University.

Please accept my announce of my entire sympathy with the new China Republic especially having you, my colleague, as the self-made President for whose great abilities & tact, nearly the whole of China mainly official welcomed you as the President.

A day or two ago, I had an interview with Dr.Yin, & he told me to go to Hankow & see you as there must be a lot of requires or many appointments in China now.If you should require my service in the Chinese medical Department now, or in any other time, I should be most willing to go to China & accept the post.Dr.Wu Ting Fang knew me when I was in the service of a Cantonese Steam ship serve for 7 years as a medical officer.I have been in Hong Kong for 10 years living, I did not see you when you passed through Singapore.

Now, Mr.President, as this is the Chinese New Year & is your first year in the Presidential chair of China, may I be allowed to tender you my hearty congratulation & may you be blessed by Almighty God to put matters to right in China which has hitherto been slightly short of scandal.

May you again long & happy, & I wish you a bright & properous New Year & new Era.

I beg to remain very truly yours,

E.L.de Sarge L.M.S.Hong Kong

Dear Doctor, you ought to make new appointment for the licentiates of the Hong Kong college of Medicine, then, I hope to hear from you soon.

When the Hong Kong University is… my address will then be C/O Astor Hanse, Hong Kong.









E.L.德萨格 香港
